Behind Closed Doors

Sleepless In Seattle...Well, Not Quite

I awoke , cuddled up to Friday. "AH!" I jumped, curling away from her. She jumped to, now fully awake. "SATAN!" I screamed, hissing at her like a cat. She rolled her eyes, thumping me on the back of the head. "Hey." I pouted, rubbing where her fist had hit. She stuck her tongue out, looking away. "I ain't Satan." She mumbled, looking out the window. "I AM!!!!" Brandon shrieked from the steering wheel, throwing his arms in the air. We all screamed as we ran into the other lane. The lane coming in our[/i ]direction. Bradley dove over Brandon and took the wheel, steering us into the right lane. We sighed in relief.

"BRANDON YOU DOUCHE!" We giggled from the backseat. He just rolled his eyes in the rear view mirror. "You know you guys want this." He chuckled. We grimaced, making gagging noises. "Shut up." He mumbled.


I came to alert when we passed a sign saying "Welcome to Los Angeles." I smiled widely. "ROUTE 66!!!!" Sunday and I yelled. Brandon and Bradley rolled their eyes. "Welcome ladies: to Los Angeles." Bradley said, nodding to the Chinese Theatre. We both pressed up against Sunday's window, smiling brighlty. Then we noticed people dressed up: as Jason, Jack Sparrow, Edward Sissor hands, and several others, smiling to ourselves. "Friday." I smirked widely. "Yes Sunday?" "You got your camera?" I nodded happily. "PULL OVER!" We both yelled.
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--Kitty Kat Elle