


I really love you. Like, It's ridiculous how much I do. It's most definitely not as much as Cam, but I really hope that that can and will change. I wish I could tell you that, but I know that I won't ever tell you any of this, no matter how much I want to. I want to hug you, hold you, kiss you, look in your wonderful eyes. I'm sure that they would devour my whole and so then I'd be swimming in a pool that I'd never be able to escape from. I want to call you mine and hold you in my arms; I want you to know how I feel towards you, even if I am just a stupid freshman that'll be a sophomore at that start of next school year. I realize I'll never be able to tell you this face to face, so I guess I'll have to stick with this...for now.

I love how you look and who you are, even though I don't know you all that well. Actually, the only time we really ever talked was when I helped you in computer literacy. Mr. Houle pissed me off so much when he moved me away from my friends, but then I saw and met you for the first time. Over time I grew to like you more and more, but I always wondered if you felt the same for me. I still feel that way. I highly doubt you do though, especially since that one time in comp. lit. when you were googling yourself and then Patrick told you to put parenthesis around your name for "child protection" or something like that. I just want you to know that I was most definitely thinking of quotation marks at the time because that's what I've heard to do. I felt like such a freaking idiot when I said that and I still do- it's unbelievable. I don't know what you must think of me when I can't even remember what the "c" shaped things on the keyboard are called.

What I'm really just trying to say is that even though we don't talk much or hang out at all, and that you're not in theater and I don't THINK you sing or play guitar or drums, you're really pretty and nice and even if you don't ever love me, like in this lifetime or any afterwords, I think I'll always REALLY like you. I mean, I have for 8 months already.

Love from Starter,
