


I realize that a lot of people like you and all and that you're supposed to be really amazing, but I personally think that you're a douche. I mean, you joined theatre in Aida, and now everyone absolutely loves you. I'm sorry, I don't think you're all that great and don't really see why I should.

Nothing personal, but even if Mr. Lynn likes your voice, that doesn't mean everyone does. He likes weird and different voices. The only time I've liked it so far was when you were singing with Skubs and Kiersten during the Cabaret; and to be honest, you weren't really singing during that song.

Honestly, the only reason in this entire world as to why I would possibly like you, is because of Mack. You seem to be really good friends with him, so I would only see you as a way to get to him, which I personally find as an incredibly stupid reason to like you, and I'm not going to start just because of that.

Oh, and just so you know, all of the seniors that you got along so peachy with this year, aren't going to be at our theatre program next year, and I know A LOT of people that don't really like you. A lot of them are going to be seniors or juniors next year, which obviously means that they'll have more power then you. Enjoy.
