

Dr. Paul,

If you keep putting more and more restrictions on our uniforms, there will be a riot, protest, mutiny, or any of those things and honestly, you won't have like, any students on your side! Just saying!

Oh, and this year when Will didn't get into the Peer program AND got a detention, well that's just fucking retarded! And making us get certain shoes, dude what the fuck! I mean, I know it's a private school and all, but seriously, what the fucking fuck? Next thing you're going to say is that all chicks have to have the same bag, or haircut, or certain earrings! I seriously won't be surprised if you start losing people going there!

Oh, and the teachers. Like, really? REALLY? Sure, there are some that are good, but Miller and Head and Kols and Hule and Meisenburgh and so many others? So many of them choose favorites or are creepers or something! Get fucking better teachers.

Anyways, I think that's about it!
