


You are one of THE NICEST people I have EVER met! You're caring, sweet, funny, nice, and so many more things! I love seeing you in the halls and hugging you! I also love how I can tell you absolutely anything and you won't judge me like, at all. I mean, I can swear around you, talk about Deuscher, complain to you, or just stand there in silence and you won't care and know exactly what I'm thinking about.

I've had SUCH good times in theater this year with you and can't believe that next year you're going to be a senior! It's like, completely ridiculous! I'm so totally gonna miss you in 2 years, so you're definitely going to have to come back to visit. Oh yeah, I think I already told you this, but I've already invited myself to your grad party and I've already claimed at least one of your senior pics, so you better have some left!

i can't wait to see you again and really hope that you go to Kristina's grad party! It's been really weird not getting a hug from you whenever I see you and can't wait to start working the spring- now winter- musical with you! Year, let's see some flying and pixie dust for Peter Pan!

I just want you to know that even though I don't think of you like this now, that you would make one of THE best boyfriends ever! With you sweetness and caring-ness and all the hugs you give without any complaints. It's just amazing.

It's also amazing and wonderful that I don't even to say anything to you when I'm sad. I just can come up to you and hug you and you'll know what I'm talking about. Speaking without words. It's a beautiful thing. Especially when it comes to theater.

Anyways, thanks for always being there for me and for being a reason to actually live through to the next day. i will always love you and appreciate you for it.


(Just so you know, I have though about having you as a boyfriend on occasion just 'cause you're a perfect candidate and can stand me.)