


How the hell can you know someone for like, 17 freaking years and still get their name wrong?! It's fucking retarded!

Like seriously, it's LE-ann, NOT LU-ann! Who in their right fucking mind would name a kid Luann? It's just retarded!

And then with Caroline! You always called her Carolyn and that personally bugged the living shit out of me! Like, she was probably one of my best friends before we went to camp together and she moved. Yet somehow, you still got her name wrong.

Here's a tip! If you know someone for more then a week, make a habit out of learning their names. It's usually a good idea; and then if you know someone for a lot of years, make sure you know their name. It's just helpful.

Oh, and I don't give a shit if Kristina and I are sisters, learn our names; and if you fucking call me Kristina next year, I may just freak out. I get called that and too many other names WAY too often and it fucking pisses me off!
