The Yellow Dress That Started It All

But Shane...Really?

“Shane, I didn’t mean it like that! I jus-”
“No Molly, it’s fine. I mean we have gone together every year since freshman year.” He shrugged looking miserable, “But if you want to be like that…”
“But Shane,” I whined, “you’re gay and this year I really don’t want to go! It has been lame every year and I just don’t see the point anymore.”
“MOLLY! How could you?!? How dare you say that in front of ME of all people. I LIVE for prom!” He started screaming with his dramatic gestures. “It is the only time of this medieval era of time we call high school I can actually show off my brilliance in fashion.” And I mean he had a point. Living in southeast Georgia a 6’4”, amazingly tan, gorgeously buff male didn’t have a chance in hell of coming out of the closet. Although that never seemed to bother him. He never seemed too worried about everyone knowing who he was. He just wanted to design and follow the dream that he so long ago decided made him gay. So he had to pursue it, his dream and ambition of fashion design, vicariously through the female form, and this is where I came in. And to be honest, I didn’t really mind. I mean really, who would? He comes over every morning with the beautiful outfits he has designed and made for me to parade around in at school. I felt like a true Disney princess.
“But Shane, really? I mean its senior year, I-”
“That’s my point EXACTLY Mollz! Its senior year! Why would you make me pass this up?!? WHY!?” Shane looks at me with his beautiful face screwed up in a pout, that he knew too well would make me give in. And girls really, his face was gorgeous. HE was gorgeous. When he was born God must have been in a really generous mood. It was a pity…
“UGH! Shane. This is so not fair. I don’t even like prom. Never have. I’ve always gone because you have amazing stuff and I feel guilty to not let your amazing dresses be seen.” I looked around my room, spotless as always, and stared at the dress bag on my bed. I knew It was inside and I really wanted to see. But I knew if I did it would basically be me just signing off on the whole prom thing…again. I mean really, prom? Why would anyone create a dance where guys are allowed to stand in the middle of a dance floor and have girls acting like prostitutes, who have just been paid, “dance” around -or on rather- them? Its just ridiculous if you ask me.
“Okay…Shane…I just want to SEE the dress, I don’t-”
“AHHH!! Yay!” He grabs me by the face and kisses me straight on the mouth. “Thank you so much Molly-Baby! You are the-”
“Shane I said to just SEE it! I am NOT trying it on. I mean it! Shane are you even listening to me? Shane? Damn it. Shane!” I said starting to laugh.
“Yeah, yeah molly. Oh-emm-gee you are going to love it. Its senior year so its amazingly hawt! I already made stuff to match.” With this he pulls the most beautiful thing in creation out if this bag. Really. It was amazing. I looked at him. H was too talented for his own good.
“Ugh. Shane! You knew I was going to say yes to this, didn’t you?” I looked at him with the same look you would give a four year old you caught stealing cookies out of the cookie jar before dinner.
“Well I mean, I don’t know Mollz, you haven’t even tried it on, and I mean I don’t know if-”
I cut him off and just looked at him.
“Okay well yeah. But aren’t you glad you are going after seeing it? I mean it’s the epitome of SEXY!” He smiles and honestly I would have given in then even if it had been a trash bag.
He gave me the dress and I rushed off to the bathroom to try it on. It was beautiful and as I slipped the delicate fabric over my head, it slid down perfectly to fit my figure. Pulling my hair from the neckline, I looked in the mirror and really studied it. Shane did an amazing job, he even got this dress right down to the color. He really outdid himself this time. Every last detail was perfect. It was long and flowing, a beautiful sunny yellow and hung off my curves, the back was open and flowed into a “v” shape on my lower back, resting on my hips. The front was just as beautiful and made my boobs look great, as all prom dresses should. I must admit, it did me justice. Smiling, I paraded out the bathroom. “I love it!” I exclaim, looking at him with bright, shining eyes. This was something I could be excited about, even if the rest of the night sucked. Of course Shane started flipping out, closed his eyes, threw his hands over his face, and backed himself into a corner, like the cutest little drama kid he was. ‘Oh lord,’ I thought to myself, ‘here we go again.’ “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU AMBERLYN MOLLY CARMICHEAL?!? I CAN’T SEE THE PROM DRESS UNTIL PROM! I MEAN IT!” He yelled angrily. “But...You MADE the dress. You’ve already seen it ya tard!”
“It doesn’t matter, I haven’t seen it on YOU. So, please, go back into the bathroom and put some clothes on. “
He was absolutely ridiculous. I laughed, rolled my eyes, and did what he said even if it was completely insane.
After changing back into sweat pants and one of my dads old shirts, I walked back out of my bathroom.
“So you liked it? Really?”
“Like my screaming didn’t say it enough? Yes Shane. I loved it. Its amazing work, as always.”
Shane nods like that was all he needed to hear to feel better.
“So Mollz, now that you are going…” he said, winking at me. I just rolled my eyes and looked away. “Like I have a choice.” I mumbled even though I could already feel the excitement.
“…we have to plan it.” He kept going on like he didn’t even hear me speak. And with that, he looked at me, smiled his amazingly gorgeous smile, and started getting his notebook, phone, and phonebook out of his bag. I just got this gut feeling…

….it’s gonna be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
(Written By Megan And Cynthia) I know it is amazingly short, but i promise its good.