
I Love You,


Will you fucking fall in love with me already?

Am I this bad? Ha, if I ever see you, my brain pulls itself apart and I don't know what I'm saying. This is all on you. It's all over you.

It's like I was fingerpainting, really. The red paint, what made our love, well, I let it touch my skin. I let it under my nails. Like a little child, I spread it over my face, and I'm sure I swallowed some. And then, I painted a heart. So what if I'm a child here and the heart was wrong? It kinked where it shouldn't have, but you loved it anyways. And you painted too, you forget so easily Tyler, you painted the heart too. The paint got under your nails, you swallowed a little too.

You're walking around right now like you were never a child, and as much as I love it, I hate it. I've known you forever.

Will you fall in love?

You used to say you wanted to grow up, and have a life. You wanted to ride around on some death machine motorcycle and scare me. You have that. But I remember what else you wanted. You wanted (a life with a wife and kids), (a house and a dog). You never read parentheses. You always said they were a waste.

I'm sitting here, you're not. I'm laughing with my friends, you're walking away.

"TYLER GET OVER HERE!" I scream. Sorry, I couldn't help it.

"What? Are you okay Kara?"


"Oh. Why?"

"Because we were fingerpainting, and you never washed your hands, and I never washed my face."

"Kara, hon, are you... sane?"

"I'm fine, but, Tyler, do you love me?"


"Do you like me?"


"Then why aren't we together anymore?"

"You didn't want to be."

"Yes I fucking did."

"But you said 'Tyler, I don't want this.'"

"And you walked away. You said 'Okay,' but when I said that, I meant I didn't want to pull my pants off and give you everything just yet, not that I didn't want you. You walked away before you knew what I said."

"I like you, Kara."

"I like you too."

"I'm sorry."

"Damn straight."

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yeah. But listen to me this time."

You tap your ear and walk away. Yeah, you're listening this time. Don't ever stop, because I'll always say the wrong thing, I'm me. But I'll always mean the right thing. Don't you ever walk away, or I will pull out some more crazy fingerpainting bs on you.

Love, Kara
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one-shot, a little whacked, i know