Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch

Party Hard.

Gerard POV

The weekend came all too quickly and it was Mikey’s sixteenth birthday. Somehow, he and that whore he calls his boyfriend managed to get mum and dad out of the house for the night. They’d invited everyone they knew, I’d invited everyone I knew...and the house was in utmost chaos.

Bob was in our bathroom, spewing his guts out while Ray patted him on the back, both Bob and Ray’s girlfriends were making out with each other (shh...don’t tell), Mikey and Frank were no where to be seen. Though I could guess where they were...ew, bad images.

I, on the other hand was sitting in a corner, avoiding most people. Jepha was here; apparently he and Frank were friends, and he’d brought Quinn, Branden and Bert along. The fucking nerve of that guy. By ten o’clock I was too fucking drunk to even see straight, so I resolved to go to bed and sleep it off.

Ray came up to me as I was still sitting down.

“Want another beer?” he asked, cheerily.

He held one out for me, waving it slightly in my face. I shook my head and attempted to get up, but fell back into the armchair I was sitting on.

“Your choice,” he shrugged, opening the can and raising it to his lips. “Where’s the birthday boy?”

“Kitchen,” I muttered, my head hurting.

Ray smiled and bounded off into the kitchen.

I dragged myself out of the corner of the lounge room and squeezed past numerous drunken dancing people to the stairs. There were numerous people passed out on them, and I stepped over them and up into the hallway that lead to my room. The walk down the hallway seemed to go on forever so I was relieved when I finally reached my door. I was horrified when I heard the sounds of two people having “fun” in my room. Wait...that’s Frank’s voice! Fuck this, I’m not having Mikey and that whore fucking in my room. My eyes widened at the prospect that they could be on my bed, and I practically fell on the door as I opened it.

What I saw was worse then I imagined out in the hallway. One of the people was Frank, but it wasn’t Mikey he had pinned down on my was Bert.

“Whore!” I yelled, pointing a shaking finger at Frank.

If I hadn’t been so wasted, I would have beaten that whore up then and there. But as it happened, as Frank and Bert looked up at me, Frank’s eyes wide in fear and a evil smirk playing around Bert’s mouth...I passed out.

Fucking great.

When I woke up, it was morning and the two whores were gone, leaving my bed a mess. I felt sick to the stomach and ran out of my room as fast as my hung-over body could go. When I reached the bathroom, I immediately rushed to the toilet and felt my stomach heave. After I’d finished I rinsed my mouth out and wiped my face on a hand towel.


The voice came from the bath tub, and I walked over unsteadily to see Mikey sprawled out in it, his clothes slightly wet.

“What are you doing in there?” I asked, laughing.

“Bob and Ray,” he moaned. “Thought it was funny.”

“It is.”

Mikey glared up at me as I laughed.

“Help me up!” he whined.

I sighed and reached out a hand. He grabbed hold of it, and I pulled him up. I held onto him as he found his balance.

“Seen Frank?” he asked, straightening his glasses on his face.

I felt my stomach drop. Images of last night came back into my head. I shook my head to get rid of them.

“No,” I said, directing Mikey out of the bathroom. “We’d better get this place cleaned up, hey?”

He nodded reluctantly, agreeing.

“That was some party,” he said.

Oh yeah, it sure was. I lead Mikey into his room and sat him down.

Next time I see Mr Iero...he’s dead.