Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch

Talk is Cheap.

Mikey POV
A week and a few days later....

Frank looked up at me as I entered the hospital room, a hopeful look in his eyes. But that quickly went away as I took my seat next to his bed. I held onto his hand, his skin soft and warm against mine, but he didn’t meet my gaze.

“You looked like you were expecting someone else,” I stated.

Frank just shrugged, still not looking at me. I wondered why he was acting like this. I’d been visiting him everyday after we’d gotten back together, and he just seemed...different. He was quieter and looked sad a lot of the time. I was so ecstatic that we were back together though. We’d spent over three months apart from each other; most of the time he was in his coma, but it was hard for me anyway. But the way he was acting...was he still ashamed that he cheated again?

“Are you ok?” I asked.

He just shrugged again, not saying anything. I was feeling concerned; this wasn’t the Frank I knew at all.

“You get out today,” I commented. “The nurse told me.”

Frank nodded, just nodded, no words at all. This was getting ridiculous. I took my hand away from his and ran it through my hair in frustration.

“Frank, what the hell is wrong?” I asked, slightly angrily.

He shrugged again, and it really pissed me off. I jumped up in frustration and glared at him as he stared back blankly at me.

“Just say something!” I yelled.

He cleared his throat, shuffling uncomfortably in his bed.

“Nice to see you,” he mumbled, his gaze reverting back to his blanket.

I felt my anger subsiding and I sat back down in my chair. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself, smiled and took his hand in mine again.

“Nice to see you too,” I replied.

I thought I saw a flicker of a smile on his face then, but I might have imagined it. He stayed silent as his eyes bored holes in the wall opposite his bed. We stayed in silence for a while, before Frank softly cleared his throat again and looked at me.

“How are things at home?” he inquired.

I shrugged slightly, entwining our fingers together more firmly.

“Ok I guess,” I sighed. “Gee’s been in a...I don’t know, he seems kinda down. Dad’s been trying to convince him that it’s the alcohol’s fault....and mum’s just trying to stay out of it.”

“Oh.” Frank nodded, his expression not changing. “What do you think is wrong with him?”

“Probably a mood swing or something,” I shrugged. I looked at him, confused. “Why do you care?”

“Just wondering,” he said quickly. He swallowed and then said “M-maybe things aren’t working out with his new boyfriend?”

I stared at Frank, wondering why he was so interested in what was wrong with Gerard. He seemed to be leaning forward, anticipating my answer.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “Could be...he hasn’t told me who he’s dating, or if he is actually dating someone.”

Frank eyes seemed to brighten as I said that. I felt slightly angry. Why, all of a sudden, was Gerard more interesting then me?

“So he might not be seeing someone?” he asked and he looked like he was hanging off my every word.

“I don’t know!” I spat. “Why the fuck are we even talking about this? Gerard can date whoever the fuck he wants. Can we about something that doesn’t involve him?”

Frank slumped back into his bed and nodded. His gaze went back to his blanket and he looked embarrassed. I sighed, feeling bad for being so hard on him.

“Sorry,” I mumbled.

He shrugged. Great, he’s back to using gestures instead of words. I gripped onto his hand again, but he didn’t smile or even acknowledge that I’d made physical contact. And I was left wondering; what happened to the Frank I knew? He looked like he’d lost all his spirit and energy. He seemed so sad. This is just fucking great. First Gerard and now Frank.

“Frank...I’m going to go now,” I sighed. “But I’ll see you when you get out, ok?”

He nodded and I leant forward, depositing a small kiss to his cheek. He didn’t move or speak; just looked straight in front of him, a blank look on his face. I got up and waved goodbye as I left the room, heading down the hallway.

I was going to go spend some time with Ray and Bob. They may be all cutesy with each other but at least they aren’t fucking moping.

And at least they’ll talk to me.