Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch


Gerard POV

I tried to do whatever I could to block out the sounds of Frank and Mikey fucking, and finally succeeded when I put my Queen album back in my CD player and blasted ‘We are the Champions’ to disguise their moaning. It’s just fucking. And that’s all it’ll ever be. Mikey thinks it’s making love but it’s not….I know I sound like a jealous bitch and I admit that that’s exactly what I am, but Frank doesn’t love him.

I’m not saying he loves me, because I honestly have no idea what goes on in his mind. I just know that maybe he’s more like me then we think…because we’re both so utterly fucked up.

“Well, see you Mikey!” I heard Frank call.

I sighed. Finally, he goes home.

“You want me to walk you to the front door?” Mikey called back.

God, this is sickening. I tried to block out their conversation by covering my ears with my pillow, but it didn’t work so I threw the pillow at my wall, knocking over my baseball bat.

“Hey, hey you fuckers!” I yelled. “This aint a hotel!”

I quickly switched off my music to see if they replied. I mean, yeah, I was baiting them but I was pissed off.

“Don’t be jealous that you’re not getting any, Gerard!” Mikey called to me.

Oh man, that is just low. I scowled and slumped back in my bed. That was mean. I heard Mikey’s door close and ‘Cherub Rock’ by the Smashing Pumpkins started to play. Why couldn’t he have put that on when they were fucking, so I wouldn’t have had to hear anything? I grumbled to myself and decided to take a nap. However, I was interrupted as my door creaked open. I looked up….it was Frank.

He stared at me and I must have involuntarily smiled or something because he smiled back and entered my room, quietly shutting the door behind him. I don’t know why I said it, but it just came out of my mouth.

“Hey, like I said this aint a hotel. And this aint a brothel either, so if you’re looking for sex I’m not gonna give you any.”

Fuck, why did I say that?

Frank’s face fell and he looked at me, shock and anger in his eyes. All nervousness was lost as he strode over to my bed, straddled me and pinned me down with his hands, expression furious. I just looked up at him, not quite sure whether to laugh or keep very, very still. He lowered his head as if he meant to kiss me, but then stopped so his face was extremely close to mine. I just looked up into his face; his eyes shone with anger and his mouth was shut tight.

“You think you’re so fucking smart, don’t you?” he hissed at me, eyes dangerous.

“Not really,” I said smartly. “I’m failing most of my classes.”

“Smart ass,” Frank said, teeth clenched. And then his voice started to waver as tears filled his eyes. “Why couldn’t you have chosen some other guy’s life to fuck up? Why mine? It’s already fucked up enough as it is.”

I sighed, realizing just how much my actions had really affected Frank. I mean, he was only a kid and probably already confused by his feelings for me. I looked up at him apologetically. Frank loosened his grip on me and rolled off me and onto my bed.

“I really like you, you know,” he said quietly.

“I know,” I whispered, turning to look at him. “I really like you too.”

“Why?” he wanted to know.

I pondered it for a moment. Why did I like him? Out of all the people in the world, why him? But I came up with nothing.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, shrugging.

Frank sighed and stretched out on my bed.

“You think this will be one of those things we’ll look back on and laugh at and end up telling to our grandchildren?”

I looked at Frank, my eyes wide as he looked back, innocently. What the fuck did he just say?

“Frank, y-you don’t know what you’re talking about,” I stuttered, looking at him like he had three heads.

“I do,” he whispered. He moved closer to me. His choice of words…saying “I do” freaked me out even more.

I was about to run out of the room when Frank started laughing and told me that he’d been joking. I sighed in relief and relaxed. There was a moment’s silence before Frank looked at me, a seductive smile on his face as he trailed a hand down my chest and my stomach, and rested it on my package through my pants. I couldn’t protest because he’d already started rubbing me through the material and I could only just stop myself from moaning. Frank smirked and undid my pants, slipping a hand in and wrapping it around my length. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from making any form of noise as Frank pumped up and down.

I thought that he’d forgiven me for what happened over a month ago, when he’d called me a prick, but I realized that that definitely wasn’t the case. He pulled his hand out of my boxers just mere moments before I would have reached climax, glared at me and jumped off my bed. I stared up at him, eyes wide as he leaned down close to my ear.

“Have you learnt anything from this, Gerard?” he hissed at me, expression furious. “Don’t fucking mess with people’s emotions.”

And with that, he went to the door, peeked outside to make sure that Mikey was no where to be seen and slipped out into the hallway…leaving me there with a massive hard-on.
