Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch

Such a Nice Ass.

Gerard POV

I was sitting in History, wondering how the Cultural Revolution in China could get any more boring. I was in a kind of stupor, doodling on the corner of one of the pages of my exercise books. Wish I was in art class right now.

Two months after I’d walked in on Frank and Mikey doing you-know-what, and Mikey couldn’t be happier. Me, well…that’s a different story. I’m pretty sure I’ve blown any chance at all of dating Frank or even being his friend. I haven’t seen him for the last two months because whenever he comes over to see Mikey he steers clear of my room and he somehow manages to avoid me at school. I couldn’t blame him though. I’d treated him badly and he was really pissed off.

I put on a happy face around Mikey, not wanting him to question me about why I was down. He almost came close to finding out the truth when I left one of my text books on the kitchen table and he brought it up to my room to give it back to me, noticing that on the inside cover it said “F + G” in my handwriting.

“Got a crush on Frank, have we?” he laughed, to which my reply was a shaky laugh and a, “Yeah right.”

If only he knew how right he was.

My history teacher’s nasal voice brought me back to Earth and I glanced up, noticing that she’d added another line of information to the board. I sighed and scribbled it down quickly into my book, just wanting to be able to daydream about things more interesting.

I noticed my phone vibrating in my pocket. Luckily I had it on silent and the teacher was talking loudly so nobody noticed. I quickly slipped it out of my pocket and realized I had a new message, but I didn’t recognize the number. Wondering who it was, I opened the message and read.

Meet me in the boys’ toilets near the chem labs in 5 mins
Your secret admirer xx

I stared at my mobile screen, my eyebrows raised in disbelief. I had a secret admirer? Who at this school would admire me? The other kids almost shit themselves when I’m just walking past them. This person’s obviously crazy...or they’re humoring me. Yeah, that’s it...they’re making fun of me. I flipped my phone shut and pocketed it. Ha ha, real funny...Make Gerard think that he’s loved. But how the fuck did they get my number? I gotta admit...I’m curious. Maybe I should go, just to see who it is so I can get them to tell me who gave them my number. If this is Mikey’s idea of a joke....

I looked up at the clock; half an hour till the end of class. Fucking great (note the sarcasm). I raised my arm in the air and waited for my History teacher to take notice of me. She’s a complete mole, ancient and most likely almost blind because she always mistakes me for a girl.

“Yes dear?” she asked me, her voice croaky like a frog.

“Miss, I’m really busting, can I go to the toilet please?”

She seemed to consider it, smiled and nodded. I sighed in relief; she must be in a good mood today. She turned back to the board and continued to write out the notes that the entire class was copying down into their exercise books. I packed up my books and pens, stuffing all my crap into my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

As I walked in the direction of the chem labs I kept thinking about the message. If it wasn’t a joke, who could it be? I thought hard for a few minutes as I roamed the halls but couldn’t come up with anyone. It had to be a guy though; otherwise we wouldn’t be meeting in the boys’ toilets.

Oh shit...what if it’s some jock guys who want to bash me and they sent the message to lure me out of my classroom? Nah...they’re not that smart. Besides, they probably know that I’d kick their asses, gay or not.

I finally reached the toilets near the chem labs, and I just stood in the hall for a moment, staring at the door. Should I go in? I sucked in my pride and pushed open the door. It creaked as it opened and I stepped inside, letting it close behind me

“Hello? Anyone in here?” I called.

My voice echoed around the toilets. It was bright in here; sunlight was streaming in through the narrow windows that aligned one of the walls. I waited for an answer, but didn’t get one.

“Hey, whoever you are show your fucking face,” I commanded, anger rising inside me. “Tell me who gave you my number.”

I waited for a response; an angry yell, a defensive comeback, anything. Nothing. What I heard instead was the creaking of a door opening and I realized that whoever was in here had been hiding out in one of the cubicles. I waited impatiently to find out who it was...and I barely held back my shock when Frank crept nervously out of the cubicle. I just stared at him as he looked guiltily back at me.

“It was you?” I asked, my voice no louder then a whisper.

He nodded, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, hands in his pants pockets.

“Why?” I inquired.

He didn’t respond straight away. I watched him as he walked closer to me, taking his time until we were less then 30 centimeters apart.

“I can’t stop thinking about you.”

I was stunned at this. He had feelings for me still? I felt happiness circle my insides.

“You still like me?” I asked. “Even after…everything.”

He responded with a nod and a soft, “Yes.”

Tears came to my eyes and I grabbed him by the waist, forcing him into a cubicle. He looked surprised, but quickly locked the door behind us and turned back to me. I kissed him hard, letting out all my passion for him that I’d had to hold back. He kissed back, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me closer as I pinned him to the wall of the cubicle. A soft moan escaped his mouth as I licked his bottom lip, and he parted his lips, allowing my tongue to slip into his sweet-tasting mouth. I felt my knees grow weak as we continued to kiss, Frank’s tongue caressing mine. Shit, I’m gonna fall over.

I quickly flicked the toilet lid down and sat on it and Frank immediately straddled my lap, pressing his body hard against mine. One of my hands travelled downwards and groped his ass, making him jump slightly but he smiled into my lips. I felt his hands slide up the back of my shirt and he rubbed gently at my back, his hands smooth against my skin.

I had an overwhelming urge to just yell that I loved him, but I knew that I didn’t. I liked him a lot, but that hadn’t turned into love...yet. But I knew that I was falling for him and I knew that in time I’d be able to tell him that I loved him and maybe he’d be able to return those words.

Our kiss grew hotter and more desperate as we tried to please each other and let out all our lust and passion for one another. Who knew when we’d be able to have another moment like this? I gently traced my fingers under Frank’s shirt and along his waistline, sliding my fingers underneath the waistband of his pants, asking silently for permission to unzip them. He kissed me more forcefully, so I took that as a ‘yes’ and slowly undid the one button and unzipped his pants.

He let out a breathy moan as I slipped a hand into his boxers and began to pump up and down, kissing him hard as I did so. In response, he kissed me harder until I was sure that our lips would get stuck together from the force of the kiss. I slowed down the pace of my hand and just teased him for a bit, liking the feeling of his dick against the skin of my hand. He grew frustrated and broke off the kiss, kissing me on the neck instead. His soft lips against my neck made me moan loudly and I leant my head back, my eyes closed as Frank bit and sucked gently. I felt Frank’s hand close around my hand which was still in his pants and I took that as my cue to move faster, which I did. He moaned happily and pressed his lips to mine again, his tongue slipping into my mouth.

Eventually I felt Frank’s body tense against mine and I realized that he was almost there. I pumped faster and his moans became shorter, vibrating within my mouth. With one last moan of pleasure he came into my hand and I withdrew it from his boxers. I broke off the kiss and licked off my hand.

Once my hand was away from my face Frank immediately kissed me again and I did his pants up for him. We broke apart after a while and he leant his head against my shoulder, his eyes closed. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him. I really liked this kid. But I had to face the fact that, yes, he was a kid and I was an adult. What I was doing was wrong....I was taking advantage of him. But then was only a four year difference. That wasn’t too big, and it wouldn’t matter when we’re older.

I tried to stop the millions of thoughts going through my mind, and I rested my head against Frank’s. But...Mikey. I hadn’t thought of Mikey at all during mine and Frank’s make-out session, but now I couldn’t stop thinking of him. Frank had cheated on Mikey with me...again. I couldn’t keep doing this.

Frank had regained his breath and he clambered off me. I looked up at him as he looked back. Could there really be a future for us together? He smiled slightly, but at the same time seemed sad and guilty. I felt the same. What we had just done made me feel amazing, but I felt disgusted with myself as well. I extended my hand to him and he pulled me up to standing, kissing me briefly on the cheek.

“What’s the time?” he whispered.

I looked down at my watch. Dammit, I still had 15 minutes of History left and my teacher would probably scold me for taking so long in the toilet. Well...I could tell her I was constipated? Wo Gerard, way too much info. I don’t want my teacher thinking about that. Ew. I showed my watch to Frank and he read the time, then nodded.

“What have you got now?” I asked.

“Maths,” he replied.

He looked up at me, eyes studying my face, no doubt wondering how I felt about what had just happened. Maybe he was looking for reassurance?

“You were great, Frank,” I said quietly.

I kissed him gently on the forehead and his face broke into a smile. He nuzzled his nose against my neck, making me laugh.

“We can’t do this again, can we,” he stated, his face falling and becoming solemn.

I sighed, looking down at the ground and nodded, confirming what Frank had been fearing. He sniffed and I saw a tear fall from his face and onto the floor of the cubicle. I looked back up at him, seeing his face twisted in emotional pain. He wanted this so much and so did I. But it wasn’t going to work.

“You’ve got my number from that message,” he gulped, burying his face in my shoulder. “We can text each other, right?”

I rubbed gently at his back, holding him close to me. I didn’t really see the point of having Frank’s number if we weren’t going to be together. But I could still converse with him through messages and we could still be friends. Right? Wrong. Why the fuck am I even kidding myself? I knew now that I had Frank’s number that it’d be the beginning of a relationship. And to be honest, I was kind of excited. Maybe we should tell Mikey. Couldn’t he just get over it and be happy for us?

Yeah right...he’d be heart-broken.

I really need to stop thinking. I’m over-analyzing everything.

Frank snuggled closer to me in my arms and I knew that I couldn’t be away from him anymore. It was going to drive me insane.

“This is just so complicated,” I said, sighing in exasperation.

Frank looked up at me, frustrated.

“It’s not complicated. I break up with Mikey, we get together, we grow up, we have babies. What’s complicated about that?”

I smiled at his statement and gave him a small kiss to his lips. He was such an innocent kid, so sweet. You’d never think that he slept around.

“I want to date you,” he said firmly. “And I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll stop sleeping around a-and I’ll break up with Mikey…I promise. I just need a few weeks t-to figure out how to do it. I don’t want him hurt.”

I nodded and hugged Frank’s small body to my chest, running my fingers through his short hair. Then I leant down and whispered into his ear, excited by the prospect.

“I’ll pick you up on Saturday two weeks from now at ten in the morning,” I said, gently licking at Frank’s earlobe. “We’ll go out for lunch. And I won’t take no for an answer.”

Frank grinned at me, nodding enthusiastically. I smiled at his childlikeness.

“That way I’m giving you two weeks to break it off with Mikey,” I said softly, ruffling his hair to which he giggled. “But, and I’m serious...if you don’t break up with Mikey, no lunch. It’s bad enough that you’re dumping him for me,” -I broke off and sighed in shame –“but it’d be worse if we started a relationship while you were still with him.”

Frank nodded, expression solemn this time as he took in the conditions. But within seconds that expression had changed into a huge grin and he forced his lips back onto mine as I let my hands trail down to rest on his ass….such a nice ass.