Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch


Gerard POV

I instantly complied with his wishes, jumping on top of him with force and pressing my knees inwards, against his sides in order to keep him pinned to the bed. I could tell he liked me being dominant. He grinned up at me, and if we hadn’t of been in this situation, his smile would have looked perfectly innocent.

“I think I’ll have to change that, won’t I,” I stated, smirking down at him.

He smirked back and curled his arm around my neck, forcing my head down and smacking our lips together in a ferocious kiss. My lips moved over his angelically smooth ones; I’d never known any boy to have lips as soft as his. Whenever I’d kissed Bert in the past, it’d been almost the equivalent of kissing sand paper….ok, that’s an exaggeration, but it wasn’t nearly as nice or fun as kissing Frank.

We kissed for a long while, keeping our tongues at bay and restricted behind our own lips, wanting this to last. I pressed down hard against him as we kissed, gently rubbing against him. It got a reaction, that’s for sure; he moaned and I could feel him grow beneath me. I’m so hard it hurt now.

My hand traced his body as I continued to move against him. It started at the top of his head as I caressed his hair, twirling it like a baton around my fingers. I’ve gotta ask him what shampoo he uses, cause his hair’s all soft and smells nice. It put my mess of dead cells to shame.

My hand travelled downwards, over his stomach and onto the button of his jeans. I popped it open with one hand as my other one held his face close to mine. I undid the zipper, which proved difficult with only one hand, but I managed and my hand was soon slipping into his boxers. He showed his appreciation through muffled moans as I pumped my hand up and down over his problem area, slow at first but then faster. We kissed harder, and his tongue made short work of parting my lips and claiming my mouth as its own.

He was mere moments away from climax; I’d seen that face many a time from our previous sexual escapades….his eyes rolled back in his head, his mouth slightly open, shortness of breath.

I was about to send him over the edge and give him a teeth-shattering orgasm, when the doorknob of my bedroom door rattled, followed by a few knocks on the wood. I sighed in frustration and ripped my lips away from Frank’s, letting my head drop against Frank’s shoulder as I breathed heavily and cursed. Right when things were hot….

“You have got to be joking,” I muttered into the skin of Frank’s neck.

“Gerard?” It was Mikey’s voice. Damn his shitty timing.

I rolled off of Frank’s body and lay next to him on the bed. We looked at each other, both thinking the same thing; Grrrr….

“Yeah Mikes?” I called out.

Mikey was not a boy who liked to be ignored by his family. That’s why whenever he did anything to piss off our parents, they’d ignore him because they knew it annoyed him. I wasn’t about to ignore him when he was getting happier by the day; Pete would be arriving in a week.

He was a strange child, that Pete Wentz. He had a nickname for each of us; Mikey was The Sex (not a name I particularly wanted to hear anyone call my brother), I was Billy (he’d originally wanted to call me “Billy Corgan’s love child,” but decided it was too long), Ray was The Perminator (it was a joke among all of us that Ray had his hair permed, even though we knew it was naturally that curly), Bob was “OH MY FECKING GOD, IT’S BOB!” (or I assume that’s his nickname, because that’s what Pete used to say whenever Bob entered a room that he was in…followed by Pete tackling him) and Frank was, well, Frank didn’t have a nickname. The two of them had never met.

“Mum wants you to wash the dishes,” Mikey informed me. “Right now.”

“Uh…tell her I’ll be down in a minute," I called back, sighing in exasperation.

“No…right now,” he said firmly.

“Ok ok, I’m coming down.”

I rolled back over and saw Frank’s pleading eyes, desperate for me to finish what I’d started. I wanted to. I wanted to make him come so hard that it’d take him a while to see straight afterwards, I wanted his orgasm to be so orgasmic that he’d be smiling for hours, I wanted to lick the sticky substance from in between my fingers, tasting his desire for me….getting a little too graphic?

“To be continued,” I whispered in Frank’s ear.

He let out a small whimper and jutted his bottom lip out as I slid from the bed. I looked down on him, spread out so vulnerably on my bed, just begging for my closeness. I mirrored his expression, sticking out my bottom lip, just to let him know that I was as disappointed as he was.

I nodded towards my wardrobe, indicating that he should hide in it to make sure that he wouldn’t be seen in my room. He clambered off the bed and walked slowly over to it, probably weak from his near-orgasm. I shot him a warm smile as he pulled the door open and slipped inside, shutting it behind him.

I looked down at the bulge in my pants and realized that a quick trip to the bathroom was needed before I go anywhere near the kitchen…..


Frank gave one last cry of pleasure, the persistent pumping of music drowning out his pleased noises. I sucked that little bit harder, and he finally let go within my mouth, covering the roof of my mouth with stickiness. He always tasted so good. I lapped it up, sliding my tongue once more over his length to make sure I’d gotten all of it.

He lay still on the bed, allowing his back to relax from its arched position. I removed my mouth from him and smiled up at his dreamy expression as he gazed down at me, thanks written in his eyes.

“How was that?”

“Nine out of ten,” he whispered, pulling my body up to lay next to him.

I pouted at him and he laughed at my mock hurt expression.

“Only nine?” I whined.

“You lose a point for making me wait so damn long,” he whined back, his voice matching mine. “How long does it take to wash a couple of fucking dishes?”

I smiled, reaching down a hand and pulling his boxers back on for him. He gave me a small and affectionate kiss, showing his appreciation through gestures instead of words.

“Well, they were very big dishes,” I reasoned, putting major emphasis on ‘big.’

Frank nuzzled his nose against my neck, making me smile at how affectionate he always was. I loved affection; lots of guys I knew just wanted sex, sex and more sex. But I loved a healthy combination of sex, affection, conversation, love and understanding.

“Mmmm, but I was all alone up here with a very big problem,” he replied.

I smiled and rolled onto my side, cuddling up to his warm body. His eyes caught mine and he pounced on me without warning, straddling my middle. I laughed.

“It’s Saturday today,” I said happily, running my hands up and down his thighs. “You wanna go out?”

“When have I ever turned down a date with my sexiful boyfriend?” he asked, raising an eyebrow and grinning.

“If you did, I would be very very sad,” I pouted up at him.

He smiled and leant down to give me a sweet kiss on the lips.

“That’s never gonna happen.”