Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch

Do You Want To?

Frank POV

I rolled over onto my side on Gerard’s bed, boredom overtaking me as I waited for that pretty-faced liar I called my boyfriend to get back. I’ll be back soon, my ass. It’d been well over half an hour now and I’d already taken care of my neglected boner (then I made sure to wipe it all over Gerard’s sheets so he gets a nice surprise when he goes to sleep tonight).

It was another fifth teen minutes before the door slowly opened and then shut with a soft thumping noise. The springs of the bed creaked as an extra weight was added to it and a quiet wooden noise sounded as though something had been placed on the bedside table. From the smell wafting through the room, I guessed that it must be pasta. It smelt delicious. I knew the person was Gerard, but I stayed facing away from him and a few seconds later I felt a pair of smooth-skinned arms wrap around my waist from behind.

“Frankie?” he whispered.

“Mmm,” I mumbled in annoyance.

“Sorry I took so long,” he apologized. “Mum made me stay for desert cause Pete’s mum had made this really nice apple pie and then I had to help Mikey with the dishes.”

“Not forgiven yet,” I muttered.

“Why not?” he whined and I could sense that he was pouting.

“You left me up here, all hard and needy, and I had to take care of it myself!” I whined back, still facing away from him.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, nuzzling his nose against the back of my neck. “But…I brought you some pasta.”

The temptation of food was too strong; I hadn’t eaten since earlier in the day and was, quite frankly, starving. Smart bitch….he knew that I was hungry and I wouldn’t be able to resist.

I rolled over in Gerard’s arms and saw him grinning at me mischievously as he reached out behind him for the pasta. His muscles moved delicately under the pale skin of his arms; he seemed to be a lot more toned as of late. My hungry eyes soon went from Gerard’s arms to the bowl of pasta as it came into view. I lunged for it hungrily, attempting to snatch it out of those perfect and skilful hands of his, but he held it high out of reach, grinning madly.

“Gee-rard!” I whined pitifully, waving my arms weakly. “Give me the damn pasta!”

“No,” he smirked, jerking his hand out of the way. “Say you forgive me first.”

“No!” I huffed, folding my arms over my chest. “You’re not forgiven yet.”


“Look at your sheets.”

He gave me a quizzical look, cocking his head to one side as he looked at me. I merely nodded towards the sheets underneath us and he gave me a suspicious glance. Still holding the pasta up high, he rolled over slightly and grabbed at a portion of sheet not under our bodies. It took him a while to find it, but when he did his eyes widened and he looked horrified. I smirked evilly.

“Frank!” he yelped, looking up at me.

“I was desperate!” I whined. “And horny with no Gerard!”

“Did you have to wipe it on my sheets?” he asked incredulously. “My mum will probably see it and think it was me!”

“Serves you right for being a tease,” I said satisfied.

“I’ll make it up to you,” he smirked, raising an eyebrow.

“Nope,” I said happily. “I’m hungry now and sleepy.”

He sighed in defeat and handed me the pasta which I took with a small smile. His eyes were on me as I picked up the fork and jabbed it into one of the pieces of pasta which was making that sumptuous smell waft through the still air of the room. We stayed in a comfortable silence for a little while, the only sounds being the small chewing noises I was making and our breathing. I sat up on the bed as I ate, not particularly favourable to the idea of indigestion or choking…though that would mean the hymelik manoeuvre administered by Gerard. It’d almost be like dry sex…well, except for the added fact that I could possibly die.

“I’ve got something to discuss with you,” Gerard stated, interrupting my thoughts of dry sex.

“Mmm?” I questioned, my mouth full with delicious pasta.

Gee’s mum is the most amazing cook. I should so get her to adopt me.

Wait, then I’d be Gerard’s brother.


I turned my attention back to that perfectly sexy boyfriend of mine. He nestled one of his hands underneath his head which was resting softly on the pillow, his hair spread out in all directions, resembling a spider web. I noticed that he had a serious look plastered over his face and I had a feeling that what he wanted to talk about was very important or very bad.

I lowered the fork from my mouth and rested it back in the bowl as I waited patiently for him to talk. He seemed to be trying to find the right words.

“This girl…this girl called Rachel,” he started, biting his lip. “She wants me to take her to the prom.”

That felt like a stab in the heart.

“And…you’re going to?” I asked, hurt.

“Well, yeah…cause I thought-”

“What?! So you’re just going to go off with every skank who asks you out and just expect me to be fine with it?!” I asked, suddenly enraged at his carelessness towards my feelings.

He looked at me, mouth open in shock at my outburst. I guess my ramblings sounded pretty insecure.

“No, Frankie! It’s not like that. Just hear me out,” he pleaded.

“Fine,” I huffed.

I leant over Gerard and placed the half-finished pasta back onto the bedside table and then sat back on my knees. Gerard looked up at me, face emotionless for a second and I soon found his arms wrapping around me as he pulled my small body down into a loving embrace. I couldn’t stay mad with him.

His face held a small smile as he kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly.

“Ok…I’m going to take her to the prom…but, only to get in” he explained, but I was still confused.

“I don’t get it.”

“You’re coming too,” he said, rolling his eyes as though it were obvious.

“How?” I asked, utterly bewildered.

It was a Senior Prom. I wasn’t a Senior; I’d be out of place there and I doubt everyone else would want me there anyway. And then there were Ray and Bob. Gerard had already told me they’d found a way around the system and would be attending; how the hell did he expect me to have a good time if they’d be there sending us death glares every time they got the chance? I mean, I was all for getting to know them…it was them who didn’t want to know me.

“I’ll get a senior to go with you,” Gerard shrugged. “Then we’ll ditch them and party together like its 1999.”

“Riiiight,” I stated, nodding my head sarcastically.

“It’ll work, trust me.”

He had a knowing look on his face, which I found hilarious. I mean, what he was proposing we do was utterly insane. We could get kicked out by the teachers for showing “homosexual PDAs” and of course, I thought bitterly. We wouldn’t want the little kiddies exposed to that, now would we?

“Who exactly am I going with?” I asked, not particularly caring.

If I was just going to ditch them once I got inside, it didn’t really matter.

“You don’t know who Quin and Patti are, do you?” he asked.

“Quinn?” I asked confused.

Why the fuck would I go with Quinn, if I couldn’t go with Gerard in the first place?

“No, not the guy Quinn,” Gerard explained patiently. “Quindell and Patricia?”

I did a mental search through my mind, working out if I’d ever heard of these people, but came up blank. I shrugged and shook my head.


“They’re Ray and Bob’s exes. I’m sure they can get one of their friends to go with you.”

I wrinkled my nose at that thought. What if their exes and their friends hated me as much as Ray and Bob did? I didn’t want to have a whinging pack of girls hanging around me the whole time telling me what a whore I was. And I didn’t want to ruin Gerard’s night.

“I’m not sure,” I said doubtfully.

“Come on, it’ll be fun. We can start a conga line,” he said enthusiastically.

I had to smile at the childlike gleam glowing in his eyes, but I was still unsure. The Prom was one of those nights that you’re supposed to remember, cherish, get lucky on…what if I completely stuffed it up for him? What if he decided I was a crappy dancer and went off with that Rachel chick? What if he wanted sex afterwards and I wasn’t ready? Would he be disappointed?

“I don’t know.”

“We can convince the DJ to play something we can rock out to,” he replied, contorting his hand into the rock sign and sticking his tongue out with overwhelming enthusiasm.

I gave a meek smile, but still shrugged.


“We can slow dance,” he pouted at me, trying with all his might to convince me to go.

And that’s what got me. I wanted to be the one to slow dance with him, under a disco ball or whatever the hell lights they’d have. I wanted him to kiss me while we swayed to some sappy love song that would normally make me wanna puke. I didn’t want it to be that Rachel chick, nor anyone else for that matter.


“Aw, my wittle Frankie wants some love”, he cooed, ruffling my hair in a playful fashion.

“Call me that again and I will personally make sure that you’ll be unable to have children,” I replied, my voice brutal but playful.

I was only a puppy playing after all.

“Frank, we won’t be able to have children that way anyway, cause in case you haven’t noticed…we’re both dudes,” he said, covering his mouth in mock surprise.

“Very observant, Gerard. When did you figure it out?”

“I noticed I had a penis today when I was showering,” he said, matter-of-factly and with a small laugh.

He rolled onto his back and rested his head back on the pillow, his hands under that mess of black silk. I snuggled up to his side and rested my head on his chest, feeling sudden guilt and sadness wash over me.

“I noticed I had a penis when I used it to sleep with almost everyone at school,” I said in a small voice, my eyes avoiding his.

“Who have you slept with?” he asked curiously.

“You really wanna know?”

He nodded slowly and I sighed. I didn’t particularly want to bring up my slutty past, but I knew that some day or another I’d have to let Gerard know. I slid my arms around his waist and got comfy as he gently played with my hair.

“Heaps of randoms I didn’t even know the names of,” I sighed ashamedly. “…and also Bert, Mikey, Quinn, Jade, Davey and Amy.”

“Amy? Amy Lee?” he asked astounded.

“Yeah…why?” I asked, confused.

Gerard’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head; like you see in cartoons but less…well, cartoony.

“She’s fucking hot!” he screeched in a strangled whisper. “Way to go!”

“Ah, aren’t you supposed to be gay?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” he said impatiently. “…but she’s still hot. Just cause I’m not attracted to her doesn’t make her not hot. And anyway, Mr Frankie, aren’t you supposed to be gay as well?”

He looked at me, a small smile penetrating his accusing stare. It was adorable.

“Yeah…but she knew I was and it was just a one night thing. I was depressed, I wanted to be useful for something. It was some stupid party.”

I sighed again; we just kept going deeper and deeper into my past, buried but not forgotten…no matter how much I just wanted to forget. No matter how much I just wanted to move on and find love with Gerard.

Woah, love?

Love’s for old people and for people who have jobs and people who are eighteen and older. No, that’s marriage. But still, I’m only young. Last time I checked it wasn’t usual for teens to tie themselves down to one person at such an early age.

“So…you’ll go to the Prom with a friend of Quin and Patti’s?” Gerard asked me, penetrating into my thoughts.

“No,” I smiled. “I’ll go to the Prom with you.”

Gerard grinned and I made a small squeaking sound as he pulled me into his chest. His perfectly smooth skinned chest. Damn, I wish he’d take his shirt off right about now. I smirked and gently tugged at the hem of his black shirt and he must have got the message, because a second later my face was squished against the smooth skin. I felt so relaxed.

Whatever I feel for Gerard…it’s more then just like....

Way more.

Guess I’m not just your usual teen.