Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch

Whipped Cream and Grated Chocolate.

Frank POV

I instantly raised my hips off the bed as he pulled the zipper of my jeans down, allowing him to pull the unwanted article of clothing off my legs. They were soon forgotten on the floor as Gerard started on my Converse, taking off each one with care and placing them beside the bed. My socks were the next to go and within an instant of them falling to the floor, Gerard had pushed up my shirt and ducked his head to bite and suck on the skin of my stomach. I giggled as his soft lips fluttered over my belly button and he flicked his tongue inside, probing at the sensitive skin.

His lips moved down, further and further until they had met the silky material of my black and red boxers. He raised his eyes to meet mine and smirked at my smiling face. With one swift movement, my boxers were ripped off me and thrown onto the floor to join my pants. My lower half was now completely exposed, not fully erect, but getting there.

Gerard just looked up at me, his smirk growing larger. I waited for him to touch me, to suck me, but he didn’t, just continued to torture me.

“Gee,” I whined.

“You wait right here,” he commanded, jumping off the bed.

“Where’re you going?”

“It’s a surprise,” he replied, mysteriously.

The next second he’d darted out of the room and off down the hallway. I could hear the sounds of cupboard doors opening and closing, the heavy fridge door being wrenched open and slammed loudly, the drawer by the sink being opened and the cutlery rattling around and the sound of shoes running into what I assumed to be the bathroom. Moments later Gerard rushed back into the bedroom, arms laden with an assortment of objects; a towel, a can of whipped cream, a block of milk chocolate and….

“A cheese grater?” I asked bewildered, looking at the shiny metallic object in Gerard’s arms.

“Why, yes it is,” Gerard replied, smiling.

“That better not be going near any inappropriate places,” I said, suspiciously.

“Trust me, sugar, this is gonna be one experience that you’re never gonna forget,” he said, smiling wickedly.

I watched with keen eyes as he came over to my bed and dumped his collection onto the sheets. A certain lower region of my anatomy was beginning to throb painfully and I fought to remain composed and not just jump him then and there…though that thought was getting increasingly tempting as the seconds ticked by.

“Now,” he said, picking up the canary yellow towel with a flourish. “Put this under you.”

“Why?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Do not question the fantabulous Gerard Way,” he commanded, narrowing his eyes at me and grinning. “It’s gonna get messy….just raise your lower half, will you?”

“Why so forceful?” I asked, shoving him playfully with my hand.

He licked his bottom lip and raised his eyebrows at me.

“Is it turning you on?”


“Good….now raise your lower half.”

I obeyed, supporting myself with my feet, and Gerard spread the towel out under neath me so that it was horizontal across the bed. Once he was satisfied with the way it was laid out, I brought my hips back down and rested my bare ass comfortably against the fluffy feel of the towel.

Gerard crawled over me, still fully clothed (dammit), and gave me a few brief pecks on the lips before shuffling back to his original position and picking up his first weapon; the whipped cream. I looked on, an amused smile curling my mouth as he removed the cap with a small ‘pop’ and brought the can towards me. In an instant, I felt a cold and creamy substance on the tip of my nose. Before it had even clicked that Gerard had just squirted whipped cream onto my nose, his tongue was all over it, licking it up with one swift motion.

And that just set him off. He hurriedly fumbled with the buttons on my shirt, an evil smirk on his face, and ripped it from my shoulders. It was thrown somewhere in the room and he seized the cream can again. He started at my nipples, pressing down on the nozzle and covering them with small swirls of cream. God, it was so cold against my warm skin. Next, he trailed a perfect line down my chest and stomach and filled my belly button to overflowing with the stuff. Fuuuck…. This is so hot.

I wrapped a hand around the metallic can and brought the nozzle to my mouth, sucking on it along with Gerard’s index finger. He gave a small moan at the contact and pressed down on the nozzle, letting the cream fill my mouth. I smiled and released the nozzle, licking the excess cream from my lips and swallowing my entire mouthful. I could tell that Gerard was beginning to get a little hot and bothered, but he continued anyway.

Just as I thought that he’d forgotten that I had a dick, he lowered his head, running his tongue along it teasingly. I whimpered in want and bucked my hips up, hoping he’d just fucking suck me already, but Mr Way wanted to torment me. He raised the can and squirted a generous amount of whipped cream all over my nether region, making me gasp at the sudden coldness.

“Don’t get too excited yet, sugar,” he purred. “There’s still plenty more to come.”

I groaned in frustration as he dropped the can off the side of the bed, a loud ‘clunk’ sounding as it hit the floor. I sighed, thinking that he had finally finished with his teasing, but I was dead wrong. He reached back to his collection and picked up the chocolate. He unwrapped it and broke off half. I wondered what he was going to do with it; rub it over my body until it melted due to body heat? Yes please.

Let’s just say that Gerard’s a lot more inventive when it comes to sex.

I gave him a perplexed look when he reached for the cheese grater. He held the metallic object in his hands and I watched him intently, wondering what the hell he was going to do. And I didn’t even bother to contain my laughter when he brought both items over me and began to grate the chocolate over my body. He pushed the chocolate back and forth along the ridges of the grater, peeling off a little more of the delicious treat as he went. The small flakes cascaded from under the grater and clung to the parts of me covered in whipped cream. I had to laugh, I just had to. I looked like a desert.

“What the hell?” I giggled. “Are you giving me head or making a cake?”

“Making a cake,” he replied. “But I plan on eating it too.”

He continued until the chocolate in his hands was too small to be grated any more. When he noticed this, he brought the grater up to his mouth and ran his tongue along it whilst gazing at me with half-closed seductive eyes. He moaned and sighed loudly, making me all the more sexually frustrated. Why must he torture me like this?

In a heart beat, he threw the grater to the end of the bed once more, ate the piece of remaining chocolate himself and then got to work on eating the human cake.

I threw my head back against the pillow as he sucked and licked at my nipples, removing all traces of the cold cream and instead replacing it with his warm tongue. I cherished moments like this; when we could be intimate without having to worry that someone might see and tell Mikey.

Gerard worked his way down my body, licking the cream trail right off in one clean stroke of his tongue. You’ve got to admire this boy’s talent. I sure as hell do. He exhibited even more of that talent as he worked his tongue into my belly button, swirling it around and gathering all the cream into his mouth. I raised my hips, causing my cream and chocolate covered dick to press lightly against his throat. That got his attention. He moved further down and, no teasing this time, took me completely into his mouth. I screamed in absolute pleasure, not caring that our neighbours probably thought that I was getting murdered at that very moment. I wanted to show Gerard how much I was enjoying this. He knew exactly what to do with his tongue, swirling it around the head of my dick as his head moved up and down, making my blood pump faster. He swallowed as he sucked, ridding my dick of the cream and chocolate and it made me so fucking turned on.

I tangled my fingers into his long sexy locks, pushing his head down further, telling him non-verbally that I was extremely close. He understood and worked harder and faster to bring me to a long awaited climax. I finally came with a cry of pleasure, followed by a sigh of satisfaction. Gerard lapped it all up and let me fall gently out of his mouth, a sultry smirk on his face.

He crawled up the bed and lay next to me, brushing my fringe out of my eyes.

“You taste good,” he commented innocently.

“How the hell did you come up with that?” I panted, still attempting to get my breath back.

“I’m a kinky little thing,” he shrugged.

“That was without a doubt one of the hottest experiences of my life.”

“Hmm…glad you liked it, sugar.”

He nuzzled into my neck and placed a few small and sticky kisses to my shoulder. We lay in silence for a few minutes, as I regained my breath and Gerard licked gently at my cheek with his hot and moist tongue. He quit these actions after a while and settled with wrapping his arms around my waist, which still held a slight stickiness because of the cream.

“Hey Frankie?”


“You started looking for a suit yet? You know, for the prom?”

I bit my lip and looked over at him. To be truthful, I wasn’t sure about going to the prom. It seemed like a pretty risky idea. I mean, anyone could recognise me and tell Mikey.

“No,” I answered.

He contemplated this for a while, putting on that adorable thinking face of his. Soon enough, he appeared to have reached a conclusion, because he returned his gaze to me and smiled.

“Ray could help you.”

“Um…Ray doesn’t like me.”

“Don’t worry. He’ll grow used to the idea….it’s Bob who’s the problem.”

I nodded in agreement; Bob did seem the most hostile towards me out of the two. To me, it appeared that Ray would like to give me a chance, but Bob was attempting to convince him otherwise. That annoyed me. The whole possessive boyfriend thing was cute sometimes, but not when someone tries to change your opinions.

“So, what we’re gonna do is…you’re gonna have a shower and then we’ll call him and ask if we can come over and be friend-like, and if he says no, we’ll just gatecrash,” Gerard said happily.

“Sounds like a plan,” I smiled.