Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch

Boys and Their Toys.

Gerard POV

It took a lot of persuasion on my part before Frank finally clambered off the bed. He moaned about it though; not a sexy moan, more of an “I hate you right now” moan. I just smiled back innocently, laying comfortably on his bed as he glared at me and left the room, heading for the bathroom. I watched him go, or rather I watched his ass, and then flopped down on Frank’s bed, resting my head on the pillow.

Somewhere outside the room I heard the water droplets hit the floor of the shower and I shuffled onto my back.

If Frank’s not in love with me after that whipped cream fest, I don’t know what will do the trick. It’s kind of unfair though, if he is in love with me…because I’m not in love with him. I care about him a lot and I like him a lot, I’d probably be depressed forever if anything bad were ever to happen to him, I think he’s an amazing person and I love him…but I’m not in love with him. I love him like I love my friends, maybe a bit more, but not enough. I just can’t see myself still with Frank when I’m 50.
I just sighed at my confused thoughts and reached around for my bag which was on the floor. Pulling it open, I dug out my phone and settled back onto the bed, making sure I was lying comfortably as I propped myself up with my elbows.

Ray’s number was in my contacts under the name ‘The Sexy Fro,’ his doing, not mine. I rolled my eyes, grinning as the name appeared and pushed ‘send.’

It took about three rings before he picked up, and when he did he sounded bored out of his mind. Which isn’t really surprising, since I know he has a major test for chemistry in a few days and he’s probably up to his ears in heavy text books and periodic tables.

“Hey Gee.”

“Hey…you home alone at the moment?”

“No Gerard, I will not have sex with you. You have your own boyfriend. Go have sex with him.”

I laughed at his blunt response. It was a well known fact among my friends that I had very demanding sexual needs. In fact, when Bert and I were still dating, Ray, Mikey and Bob made a bet with us that I wouldn’t be able to last a month without any form of sexual contact….Mikey caught me sneaking out of the house after three days and I had to pay each of them fifty dollars and wear a women’s top with the word ‘Nympho’ hand-painted on it for a week.

“Actually, I just gave Frank head and he thought it was fantastic, so in your face,” I replied smugly.

“Hmm….did somebody say ‘too much info’?”

“Nope…must be hearing things.”

There was a short pause in which I heard quiet tapping noises coming from Ray’s end of the line.

“What’re you doing now?” I inquired.

“Writing up notes for the topics my chem test will be on and trying to revise it all.”

“Trying as in…not.”

“I’m getting distracted by MSN. Curse it.”

“Who’re you talking to? Your secret lover?” I teased.

“Yes Gerard. I’m talking to my secret lover.”

I could just picture him rolling his eyes at that moment. He did that a lot, I realised, when one of us made some lame-ass joke. Out of Bob, Ray, Mikey and me…I’d have to say that Ray is probably the most sensible.

“Alright, enough with the humouring me. Who’re you really talking to?”

“My new online buddy, Andy. He’s a friend of Pete’s actually that he met at school. Apparently Pete told Andy that I was a “wicked good” guitarist and Andy wanted to talk music with me….and we just got to chatting about everything.”

“Better not tell Mikey about him,” I smirked. “You know he wants Pete. He might get jealous.”

“No, we all know that Mikey is Pete’s true love.”

“Reckon they’ll ever get together?”

Mikey had been increasingly happy since Pete arrived; the two were spending countless hours out of the house, using up their time going to the movies, shopping or just hanging out. I didn’t want to think about how Mikey would take it when Pete had to return to Chicago; myspider brother senses were telling me that Mikey may already be hitting the bottle to drown his sorrows. How did I come to this conclusion? Mum and dad, as per usual, had commented that the beer was disappearing….although I hadn’t given up alcohol completely, I’d cut down and I knew that I wasn’t drinking enough of the beer for it to be noticeable to mum and dad.

If Mikey and Pete fell in love with each other, that could be both a blessing and a curse. On the upside, it’d mean that Mikey would eventually find peace with the whole Frank issue but on the downside, Pete lived in Chicago and it’d have to be a long distance relationship until they were older.

“Could happen,” Ray responded thoughtfully. “Actually, if they do get together, Pete might stop hitting on Bob.”

“Does he still like him?”

“Yeah and I think that Bob’s the only one who doesn’t know.”

“Well, Bob is the blonde bimbo of our group….” I said through a slight snicker.


Ray’s voice had a defensive tone to it, so I decided to change the subject in order to avoid a lecture about how great a boyfriend Bob was.

“So…. What’s Andy like anyway?”

“Well…from a photo Pete showed me, he has kinda longish brown hair, a piercing just under his lip, glasses, he’s really random and funny and, get this, he plays drums.”

“Oooh, don’t tell Bob. He’ll get jealous.”

“No he won’t. He’s not as retarded as you Gerard,” Ray snorted.

“Hey, that was uncalled for.”

“Retard Gerard. It rhymes…just deal with it,” he said smugly.

“Curses. What does Michael rhyme with? Nothing.”

Ray laughed over the phone as my mouth formed into a pout at his words. In the near distance I heard the shower water stop running and two footfalls as Frank stepped out of the shower, probably glistening with delicate drops of water. Damn, that’s a pleasant mental image. I licked my bottom lip slightly and realised that my mouth had become dry.

A few more taps emitting from my phone jerked me out of my thoughts about Frank’s wet body and back to my conversation with Ray. A moment later the tapping ceased and he spoke again.

“Why did you call anyway?”

“Well, my sexy boyfriend and I wanted to know if we would be welcome to come over and grace you with our presence,” I smiled.

“Um, dude….you do realise that your boyfriend is Frank right?” Ray said as though I’d forgotten.

“Last time I checked he was.”

“You know I don’t like him, right?”

“Bullshit, you’re just scared that Bob will be pissed if you become friends with him.”

“That’s not true,” he protested.

But it was in vain. I’m sure both of us new that it was perfectly true.

“Yeah it is…but don’t worry, it’ll be ok.”

“What exactly am I supposed to say to him? ‘Hey, I know you…you’re the asshole who cheated on Mikey!’ Not exactly a great conversation starter, Gee.”

“Well…talk about music,” I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

“Don’t tell me that beast likes the same music as me,” he groaned.

“He plays guitar…you could talk about that.”


That seemed to perk him up; he sounded excited at the prospect of conversing with a fellow guitarist. I mean, I could play a little…but I sucked pretty bad. I knew that that Quinn guy played and he was apparently fantastic, but none of us wanted to associate with Bert’s friends; just for the fact that they were his friends. They were guilty by association.

“Yaha. He’s got one electric, but no amp because his dad hates the noise.”

“Geez, that sucks…Well…I guess you two’d better get your sexy asses over here. Frank can try out one of my guitars.”

“Jesus, mention guitars and you’re all over him,” I laughed. Then I mocked being annoyed and said “Just remember Ray…he’s mine, so back off.”

“Yeah yeah, ok…..Oooh!” he squealed. “He replied! Gotta go. See you.”

“Hey….shouldn’t you be getting back to studying for your chem test?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Pft, why would I do that?”

“Hey! That’s my excuse.”

“Mine now. See you Gee.”


I hung up and was pondering whether I’d actually bore witness to Ray Toro squealing, when Frank entered the room, a towel tucked neatly around his waist, his body glistening just as I’d imagined it and hair weighed down in its dampened state.

He gave me a suggestive smirk which I soon returned, and made his way over to me, where I was lying on the bed.

“So…” he began, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Are we invited or do we have to gatecrash?”

I brought myself up and into a sitting position on the bed. Frank leant over and rested the side of his head on my shoulder, nuzzling my arm gently. I smiled and wrapped an arm around him, resting my hand on his exposed skin which was wet and radiating heat. Frank and I have got to have a shower together sometime. We’ve been dating for over a month and still haven’t had a shower together. Something has got to be done.

“We’re invited,” I replied, lifting my hand and ruffling his hair. “He’s gonna let you try out his guitars.”

“Sweet,” he said, looking ecstatic.

I grinned as he clapped his hands together in a childlike fashion, his enthusiasm clearly evident.

“Boys and their toys, huh,” I laughed.

“You’re a boy,” he pointed out.

“Yep…and you’re my toy,” I smirked.


He pouted and picked up his jeans, which were still on the floor where they’d been discarded. Next thing I knew the denim article of clothing was landing over my head and shutting off my sight. All I could see was blue. I tore the jeans off my head to see Frank smiling innocently at me.

“What? I play with you, don’t I?” I said, wiggling my eyebrows. “And just so you know, you’re always going to be my favourite toy and I’m not going to get bored with you.”

I silently wondered if that was true.