Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch


Gerard POV

Ray had a variety of guitars; acoustics, electrics, acoustic-electrics, all of different makes. He even had an old bass which he sometimes played if he needed a break from guitar.

After much consideration, he selected a guitar for Frank to sample and, once Frank had overcome his shyness about playing in front of other people, they played a medley together. It was interesting to view; one of them would just shout out a song to the other and, if they both knew it, they’d immediately go into it until another song title was shouted. I sat opposite both of them, a beer in hand, and occasionally I’d offer input. Though they began to ignore my suggestions when I shouted out “Baby, One More Time” by Britney Spears. They probably took it as an insult that I even suggested that they knew that song. It was a joke, I swear.

Ray’s mum and dad were home, but they stayed in the lounge room whilst we stayed in Ray’s bedroom. On occasion Mrs Toro would intervene to offer us snacks of Coca Cola and crackers, and Mr Toro would request a song, but mostly they let us be. They didn’t have a problem with the noise. They never have. Their only rule is that when it reaches ten pm, only an acoustic from then on.

Pete arrived back while we were there, but only mumbled a hello and retreated to the guest room.

“Maybe Mikey dumped him,” Ray suggested when I voiced my interest in his lack of enthusiasm.

It was getting dark out. It was high time that I saw Frank safely home and got home myself. I didn’t have a curfew perse, because my parents knew if they enforced one that I wouldn’t care if I broke it. Mikey didn’t have one either to make things fair. But in respect of our parents allowing us freedom, both of us were usually home at a reasonable time. I think by the time I got home tonight that it wouldn’t be so reasonable.

A few stars had already begun twinkling in the steadily darkening sky and a couple of the street lights had flickered into life. A couple of cats prowled across the road, hunting prey at their leisure. One that was strutting close to Ray’s house skittered quickly when the front door slammed. Its padded feet made no sound as it crossed the road and scampered off down the street, its tail trailing behind it.

“I think Ray’s warming up to you,” I commented as Frank and I walked down the front steps.

“Yeah, he’s a nice guy,” he replied, grinning. “Though I didn’t expect him to give me a chance really….but, score! Frank Iero has a friend.”

We reached the front gate and I opened it for Frank, letting him exit first. He gave me that wide smile of his and I followed closely behind as the gate swung shut.

“What am I then?” I questioned.

“Sex slave.”

“Oh ha ha ha. Why must everything be sexual to you?” I asked, playfully nudging him with my elbow.

“I’m a teenager. It’s all I’m supposed to think about.”

“Yes, that and sport.”

Frank didn’t respond; just snorted and gave me a small smile as we rounded a corner and came into sight of the school. It was slightly eerie at night time. Everything was quiet and dark. All sounds of teens chatting and laughing had vanished and darkness was cast over the building and the surrounding grounds.

“Do you know what would be really cool? Having sex on the school oval at night.”

“Pft, and you say I’m obsessed with sex?” Frank asked incredulously.


“That wouldn’t work out very well anyway,” he replied, scrunching up his nose in thought. “The person on the bottom would get real itchy from the grass rubbing against their skin.”

“Not if you were on a blanket. Because-”

I immediately cut off what I was saying when I noticed a figure walking towards us, just down the street. I felt a bit apprehensive, wondering if we should cross the street to avoid them or to stay put until they passed. But it turned out that I had nothing to worry about.

It was Claudia. I could barely make her out, but there was no mistaking her red hair.

She slowed her walking when she noticed the two of us standing there, just staring at her. I saw her squint and, upon recognising us, she went to turn the other way. I quickly grabbed Frank’s hand and we ran down the street, closing the distance between us and her.

“Claudia!” I called.

We slowed down to a walk as we finally approached her. She had her head down and heaved a sigh before she turned to face us.

Her red hair was a mess of frizzy curls and teamed with a sickly pale face and tear streaks down her cheeks, she didn’t look the best to say the least. Her outfit suited her though; dark blue skinny-leg jeans, a plain brown top and a fancy brown jacket which was fastened with an embroided sash.

I was concerned by the look on her face though. Claudia was always cheerful and up for a laugh, but she looked absolutely miserable.

“They want me to find somewhere else to stay,” she said bitterly. “Eighteen years of living with them, apparently I’m mature enough to live on my own and if not, I have to shack up with a friend or Reg.”

Reg was her boyfriend. A jock, but believe it or not, a nice one. He knew I was gay, but thought it fantastic that I was man enough to come out at a school where a lot of people weren’t so accepting. He was pretty hot too. Not really my type, but I could see what Claudia saw in him. His hair was sandy blonde and choppy, obviously styled but made to look like its not, his skin was naturally tanned from playing a lot of outdoor sports which had also made him muscular, and, though I’ve never really been close enough to tell, I think his eyes were this weird bluey-green colour. Like the ocean.

They’d been dating since they were both fifth-teen. And I hadn’t asked, and I didn’t think I really wanted to, but I was pretty sure that she lost her virginity to him.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did your parents kick you out or something?”

”Yeah, yeah they did,” she said, her voice rising as she became increasingly distraught. “ ‘We’ll support you no matter what, darling,’ ‘You could never disappoint us.’ Fucking liars! Fucking liars, the pair of them! It’s so unfair! What the fuck did I do to deserve this? I’ll tell you what. I got pregnant. That’s it. You know, I dared to shame them by becoming pregnant. You think I really wanted to? You think I wanted- you think I fucking needed to be a mother at my age? I’m not even in my twenties yet! I don’t even have my own car. The only thing I’ve got is that fucking job at that fucking café and as if that’s going to give me enough pay to support a baby.”

“Does Reg know?” I mumbled sheepishly, quite shocked by her outburst and what she’d told us.

“No and I don’t want him to,” she said firmly. “It’ll royally fuck up our relationship….Uh, I’ll probably have to break it off with him anyway.”

“Why?” Frank asked in a small voice.

“He’ll never be able to handle being a father,” she sighed. “I mean, I’m not saying he’s immature or anything. It’s just…if we had stayed together, you know, after school…we never planned to have kids until we were like…30 or something. This is too soon. He won’t be able to handle it…and I think it’ll just tear us apart anyway.”

I nodded meekly, not meeting her eyes. Her anger was slightly scary at the moment.

“Are you going to keep the baby?” Frank asked timidly.

She let out a breath of air and nodded, expression glum.

“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I got an abortion,” she explained. “I mean, I considered it…but then I thought about the baby when it’s all grown up. You know…it’ll be like us one day. Able to talk, walk, make decisions, get a job, have its own kids. I could never deny it that.”

“Where are you going to stay then?” I asked.

“Fucked if I know. I don’t want any of my friends to know. I mean, I hate to say it but most of them are really shallow and would spread the news at school like wildfire.”

“You could stay with me if you like,” I suggested.

“Would your ‘rents be ok with that?” she asked, looking a little taken aback.

I shrugged. “I can’t see them saying no.”

She was silent for a few moments, her eyes fixed on the pavement as she considered my proposal. I glanced at Frank next to me. He was biting his lip and watching Claudia with concern. I squeezed his hand lightly and he glanced over at me, smiling weakly. Tugging him closer to me, I planted a small kiss on his cheek as a reassurance that things were fine.

“Ok,” Claudia announced, looking up at us with a smile. “If your parents are fine with it…I’d really appreciate that. And…I’ll chip in whenever I can. It’s just…my pay is pretty small.”

“Don’t worry about that,” I replied, dismissing her words with a wave of my hand. “They won’t mind…and I think mum might like having another female around the house, and they love kids….I just have to see Frankie home first though.”

Claudia nodded and the three of us set off down the street, the darkness now almost complete around us. We spent the time jokingly coming up with names for Claudia’s unborn baby, trying to avoid any uncomfortable silences. She repeatedly said “no” to Frank’s suggestion of naming it Frank the second though.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow, babe.”

We stopped outside Frank’s front door and he turned to face me, grinning. He pulled me to him by my shirt and I kissed him briefly on the lips. His lip ring was cold against my skin and I sucked on it gently. Though I pulled back when he tried to slip his tongue into my mouth.

“Nah uh. I’ll give you a boner before bed and that’s not good.”

He smiled as I ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.

“Make sure to call me later ok?” I said seriously. “Let me know you’re ok?”


“Promise me, Frankie?” I asked sternly.

“I promise.”

With one last kiss, Frank entered his nightmare and Claudia and I departed, heading off down the street and in the direction of my house. I felt awful, I really did. It wasn’t right for me to just let Frank live like that. I’m supposed to protect him, yet there I was walking away and leaving him in that place with that monster.

I’m a lousy boyfriend.