Status: On hiatus.

He's a Bitch


Gerard POV

God, Mikey can be an idiot sometimes. If mum had known that he’d got home so late she’d have gone crazy. He he, but I scared the shit out of him. I do that to people. Everyone at school either wants to fuck me, kill me or run away from me. But most of them want to run away from me.

I really hope I scared Frank enough so that he doesn’t fuck up again and break Mikey’s already semi-broken heart. Poor kid. Shit do I know what that feels like. Fucking Bert...he screwed up my life, and now he’s screwing up Mikey’s.

You see, Bert and I were a couple a while back. He was the second guy I’d ever been with in a serious relationship. I really loved him, well, I thought I did. And I thought he loved me. All our friends joked about how we’d end up married one day, and I half-believed that was true.

But anyway, I turned up at his house one day to surprise him and take him out on a date, and I found him fucking some girl on the couch. Turns out she was a cheerleader from another school. He’d fucking cheated on me with a cheerleader. After that our group of friends broke apart....Bert, Ray, Mikey, Bob and me had all been friends. But Bert was immediately exiled from our group after what he did. Ray and Bob stuck by me but I don’t see them as often as I used to. We’ve kind of drifted apart.

So, our group collapsed, Ray and Bob had a brief relationship together, but it ended quickly, and they both got girlfriends....Ray got his girlfriend pregnant, but she got an abortion, Mikey met Frank, I started drinking, Bert made friends with Branden, Jepha and Quinn carried on. It carried on really warped and deranged, but it still carried on.

Fuck...I’m laying here in my bed...and I can’t get to sleep. What to do, what to do. Hmm...think I’ll go annoy Mikey. I got up out of bed, pushing back the covers and picked up my baseball bat. I don’t actually play baseball; one of my distant relatives who doesn’t know me very well gave it to me for Christmas ages ago. I don’t use it for playing baseball. I use it for scaring people...mainly Mikey...when he’s asleep and I’m bored. He he.

I crept to my door and quietly turned the handle. I love that my room is directly across from Mikey’s, and my parents’ room is downstairs. It makes this so much easier. I walked slowly to Mikey’s door and opened it. Creeping in silently, I prodded him in the shoulder and raised the bat above my shoulders. He stirred in his bed and rolled over, his eyes fluttering open.

“Ahhhh!” he screamed, seeing the dark silhouette of me with the bat.

His eyes were wide open and he was scrambling to hide under his covers. I started laughing and switched on the light.

“What the fuck?” he exclaimed from under his blanket. “Gerard, you do that again and I’m gonna kill you!”

“Gerard!” I heard my mum screech from downstairs. “Do that again and I’ll confiscate that bat of yours!”

I laughed even harder at this.

Mikey threw his blankets off himself and glared at me. I sat on the end of his bed, crossing my legs and grinning.

“And you wonder why kids at school are scared of you?” Mikey asked, incredulously.

We sat in silence for a while, Mikey still seething and breathing heavily from the shock. Then he asked me a really weird question.

“Hey Gerard, how did you feel when you found out Bert was cheating on you?” he asked, tucking his knees up under his chin and hugging them.

I just stared at him. What kind of stupid question was that? I sighed, and then decided to answer.

“Betrayed,” I replied. “Heartbroken, angry, sad...”

Mikey looked at me, apologetically, a pitiful expression on his face. Great, now my own brother feels sorry for me.

“Gee, I’m sorry he did that to you,” he said, moving closer to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. “You didn’t deserve it.”

I sighed. Mikey was so innocent, so naïve. He couldn’t see that Frank was doing the same thing to him that Bert did to me.

“Mikey, you deserve someone better then Frank,” I said, settling so I was more comfortable.

“But...I really love him,” Mikey said, looking confused.

I felt bad for Mikey. He just didn’t get that being with Frank was breaking him, hurting him.

“I know you do,” I said, gently. “But Mikes, he just keeps hurting you.”

“He won’t do it again,” Mikey said, surely. “He said he wouldn’t, and I believe time.”

And then he didn’t look so sure of himself. He crumpled onto me and hugged onto my waist. I hugged him back and looked down at the lost expression on his face.

“Gee, what should I do?” he asked desperately. “Should I give him another chance? Should I forgive him? I don’t know what to do.”

It was awful seeing my baby brother like this. I wanted to comfort him and tell him everything would be alright, but really I had no fucking idea what would happen.

“I really don’t know,” I confessed. “Just...I don’t know, do what you think you should do.”

“Thanks Gee,” Mikey said, hugging me tight and then letting me go.

I got up off the bed and picked up my bat again, and then headed for the door.

“Night Mikey,” I said, about to walk through the door.

“Night Gee,” he said, laying back down in his bed again.

I turned and was about to go back into my room when Mikey spoke again.

“Hey Gee?” he asked, and I turned to face him. “Could you...could you leave both our doors open a bit? Just in case I need to talk to you?”

I smiled at him and nodded.


He smiled back and I walked out of his room and into mine, leaving our doors open slightly like he’d asked.