Status: UNBANNED!!!! but am working out of a notebook so the going will be extremly slow...


On The Run

“Kate, wake up, please wake up,” someone begged. I sleepily opened my eyes to see Martin, “what’s happening?” I heard sirens in the distance.

“We need to go, the cops are coming,” Martin helped me into a standing position, I was really weak.

“We need to run Kate.” I nodded as he half carried, half dragged me away. I saw the men, I knew some were cold and life-less, just like before…


I clamped my eyes shut. What’s happening to me? Why do I have to be the freak? I felt everyone gasp and run.

“Everyone run! The freak will kill us all!” I heard Tristan shout. Oh god how I hated him, I hated everything about him. The hate just fueled the power. I felt it explode from me, I heard several bodies fall to the ground.

I opened my eyes to see Tristan, cold and life-less, right next to me. His glazed eyes starting up at the perfect blue sky. I started shaking and backed away.

I did the only thing I could do, run. I ran into the woods, branches grabbing at me, trying to punish me for my misdeed.


I wiped the tears from my eyes and started running with Martin. We ran to the house, “fill a backpack with clothes and any money you have, we have to go, people saw us,” Martin said, running to his room.

I ran in mine, grabbed my jacket, my pet rat, Sam, and an already packed backpack. It contained a weeks worth of food and clothes, also all of my birthday money since It happened the first time, I knew this day would come eventually. I put Sam in my front pocket, making sure it was secure.

I went into the kitchen and saw Martin was ready. He was writing on a peace of paper. He saw me and motioned for me to follow. He led me to his car. I got in the passenger side while he started it.

We immediately pulled onto the back roads and floored it. I checked the lump in my pocket, he was fine. We were almost out of the city limits when my bff, Alli, jumped in the way. Martin slammed the breaks and was mere inches from hitting her.

“Alli, what on Earth are you doing?” I exclaimed. She glanced around uneasily, “this isn’t the place to talk, we need to get away from here as fast as possible.” She got in the backseat and I saw Martin glare at her through the revue mirror.

I didn’t know what was wrong but I intended to find out.
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I know it's short, but get over it. But the lack of subscribers and comments make me sad :( Make me happy and you will be happy because I will update more and bring you a few minutes of happiness =) I think that's it, I think.
