Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 1

Chapter 1:
"We're losing him!" One doctor yelled. I gasped for air. "Hes bleeding out!" Someone shouted and i felt needles and tubes all over my body. Pokes and prods
came from here and there. The pain started to fa id. My breaths became shorter and less frequent. Was I dieing? I tried to move but was denied that privilege. I could
faintly here the shrill beep of my heart beat beat slower until it was just a straight Line. FLASHFLASHFLASH All i saw was white. The pain was gone and I could move again.
I started to walk. Nothing but white. It went on forever. Until I saw a man. "You shouldn't have done that Ryan." He spoke in a tired voice. "Who are you and what are you talking about?
Its my own damn life. Or was my own damn life and I can do what I want with it." I snapped. This guy was already getting on my nerves. "I'm giving you two choices." He spoke and I
practically snorted with laughter. "Oh is that right? What are my two choices?" I asked. "You can go back to earth and help one person. Just one person with their life. But it has to be
a big difference OR you can stay here in limbo, forever." He said slowly making sure I heard him. This has got to be a joke! "OK, Ill go back to earth. How long do i stay there?" I laughed.
"Two months. No more, no less." He said and with that, FLASHFLASHFLASH. I was back in my bed, my alarm was going off and the calender read, July 13. "HA! what a fucked up dream."
I told myself as I slipped through my rundown Las Vegas apartment. "Oh but it wasn't a dream Ryan." The voice shot through my head. "Holy fuck!" I screamed and
dropped the glass of orange juice I was holding and it shattered at my feet. "Two months Ryan. Two months." It said and I collapsed on the floor crying.