Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 10-

Chapter 10-

The magical, tagged, and rusted door led to an empty hallway. I turned around and smirked at Brendon who just shrugged and gave me a small push to keep walking. I happily agreed considering his had was placed on my ass. God what have I come to?!? The farther down the hall we got the music and shouts became louder (duh!) and soon we were in the middle of the bustling backstage area. People with headphones and clipboards were running around shouting things and looking frustrated. "Brendon!" Someone shouted in a gruff voice. We turned and Brendon was engulfed into a huge hug by what looked like pro wrestler. "Timmy! Hows it going?" choked Brendon. I smiled a bit at the sight before me. 'Timmy' released Brendon and looked at me. Scoping my small frame as if I was a car he might buy. "This the guy?" He asked Brendon shoving a thumb towards my direction. Brendon nodded and slung an arm around my shoulder, "This is my Darline Ryan. Timmy, Ryan. Ryan, Timmy." He introduced as and we shook hands. Or maybe it was more like, he crushed my hand and i provided the hand? Timmy cleared his throat and spoke is what seemed to be a nicer voice, "You ready to meet the guys?" My eyes got big and Brendon smiled. "Of Course"

Timmy led us down yet another hallway and stopped at a blood red door with a golden star on the front that read, 'We're the stars bitches'. I honestly was jealous. Tim threw open the door to reveal, Blink mother trucking 182! The three guys stood up and shook our hands. "I'm Travis, I'm Mark and I'm Tom." They all said and smiled at us. "I'm Brendon" Brendon confidently stated. Me, on the other hand was a nervous mess, "I-i-I'm R-Ry" Me hands started shaking and i fucking forgot what my name was. "Bren, whats my name again?" I whispered but I guess everyone heard me because they laughed at my expense. "This is Ryan. As you can tell, hes a bit nervous meeting you guys." Gee thanks Bren, honestly cold we not leave out the nervous part??I felt my cheeks get hot and I looked down. Someone burst through the door and told the guys they had one minute. They nodded and excused themselves to, uh hello! play a show! Brendon and I followed and watched from the side stage. During, 'first date' I sang along. But the difference between this song and all the rest was I was singing to Brendon. Cliche' a bit? I grabbed his hand and squeezed. If only I had met Brendon before it all went down hill. If only...