Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 14-

Chapter 14-

I rushed through the front door trying to avoid being caught by my manager. I jumped over the counter and slid into the backroom to grab my name tag. There it was, just hanging on the hook like it always was, so close, then WHAM. A body is between me and my prize. "You're lucky i covered for your ass." The familiar voice told me in a friendly yet stern voice. "I love you." I smiled and swung the one person in this whole place that I didn't hate with a burning passion, around in the air. "You owe me Ryan." She smiled and giggle. I set her back down and reached behind her to grab my beat to shit name tag. "Thank you my Chippy." and accepted the card she was holding out to me. I slipped the worn fabric necklace around my neck and headed out to the store with Chip right by my side. "So, how was yours and Brendon's night?' She asked giving me a suspicious eye. She was one of the maybe 20 people who knew I was gay. "Fabulous." I sighed and explained the whole night to her. Or everything except about Brendon's family and I was sure to steer clear of this mornings events. She just kind of looked at me with a blank expression, a bit of her brunette hair covering her left eye. "Does he have any friends?" She asked and grinned at me. "He sounds like hes one of the good ones Ry." I nodded trying so hide my smile. I finished stocking the 'Pop' section of the store and headed to work the cash register. Glancing at the clock, I figured i had about 3 hours before I got to see Brendon again. Fucking stupid job. "Eh em," I looked up and saw a very unhappy looking grandmother standing in front of me. "May I help you with something?' I asked trying to hide annoyance from my voice. "Yes, you can help me. You can turn that racket down! Some of us don't enjoy listening to garbage while shopping for their tasteful music." She complained. Shes kidding right? OK, first of all, she has the wrong tone, then she asks me to basically change the whole store for her and THEN she has the nerve to call 'My Chemical Romance' GARBAGE? Oh! This bitch is going down! I snapped out of my daze when the old hag started snapping her fingers in my face. "Today would be nice." She complained and I still just looked at her debating
it i should smash her face in or just kick her out of the store? I better just kick her out... "Excuse me mam, I'm going to have to ask you to leave," I tried as hard as i could to be nice but a bit of annoyance still showed in my voice. "What why?" She damned chucking her purse onto the counter and getting in my face. Reminds me a bit of my grandma... "I said-" I know what you very well said sunny boy!" I walked or more like stomped around the counter to escort her to the door. By this time the whole store was looking at the scene. "Mam, Don't make this harder," I told her in a hush voice. I still wanted to keep my job after all. "All, I want is for you to turn that racket down for 20 minutes while I shop!" She yelled, stomping on my foot. I grabbed onto her shoulder for support as i clutched my throbbing foot. Fucking heals! She screamed at my touch and shook me off her. i lost balance and ended up on the floor. Chip came to help me up. Bless her heart. I had about enough of this lady. "Don't you ever touch me again! Manager! Where is the manager!" She started screaming at the top of her lungs which was pretty loud for an old fart. "You know what lady? Fuck you!" I screamed back at her. It all fell silent and before I could defend myself, she started beating me with a god damn bag! A heavy one at that. What did she have in there? Cinder blocks? It felt like hours before she stopped. I could feel my eyes swelling and my vision blurring. I could however make out my manager standing over me. "Ryan, you're fired!" His voice echoed in my ears. Fired, fired, fired, fired. FUCK!