Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 17-

Chapter 17-

"OK, so we're taking all this" He pointed to a big pile of stuff "my place?" He asked and I nodded my head "And this-" He pointed to a different pile "Your selling." I nodded again " And this," He pointed to the last pile, "Is
going to good will?" "You got it." I told him flopping down on the only cleared spot of my couch. We had decided that I would move in with Brendon since his house was bigger and in a better neighborhood. We were taking my couch, TV, bed/bed frame, dinning room table and of course I would be keeping all of my personal belongings such as clothes, books Cd's and all that shit. Its been a week since we made our little decision. Which means, I have 3 weeks left to 'fix' Brendon and I have no fucking clue how I'm going to do that. I'm still on the, 'get on your knees and beg to stay on earth' plan. Yesterday, Brendon and I went down to the university of Las Vegas to sign me up for a few classes starting next semester. (Hopefully Ill be here to take them!). I felt someone sit on my lap and i snapped out of my daze to see Brendon straddling me. A sly grin appeared on his face. This can only mean trouble. "You know, Ive always wanted to do it in an empty room.' His eyes shifted to my old empty bedroom. I smacked his arm and rolled my eyes. Dirty dirty boy.

"Hey Ryan! Come here!" Brendon called from what sounded like the kitchen. I was almost done unpacking and hanging up all my clothes. I'll I have to say, is thank the lord Brendon has a huge closet! I signed and chucked an empty
box into a corner and headed down the hallway. "Close you eyes and put this on." He instructed and handed me the same blindfold he had me wear the last time he had a 'surprise'. I did as he was told and he guided me into
the living room. "Are you ready?" He asked. Smiling, and shaking my head, he pulled off the blindfold to reveal to me a baby chinchilla. "Brendon, there's a chinchilla on the couch." I told him not taking my eyes off the creature. "I know! Isn't he cute? I was picking up some cat food for skittles (cat I flung pancake on that one day,) and i saw him and I just thought he would be the perfect present!" He exclaimed picking the baby up. I had to admit it is pretty damn cute. Walking over to Brendon, I ran my hand over the soft fur of our new pet. "Thank you Bren." I kissed him and took the small ball of fluff from his hands. "What should we name him?" I asked scratching it behind the ears." "Your choice." He told me and I thought for a minute. "How about, fate?" I asked and Brendon looked at the chinchilla resting in my hands, "Sounds perfect." He decided and kissed me. We both snuggled up on the couch and watched the view outside our window. Just enjoying life.