Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 19-

Chapter 19-

I woke up in his arms. His warm arms. Today was our one month anniversary. One month ago today, I was waking up just like this in his arms. I slipped from his grasp and made my way to the kitchen and started making pancakes and hott
chocolate. Just like i had that morning one month ago. "5 days " The voice said in monotone. "Gee, thanks for the update." I sarcastically replied. "Oh, your welcome." It said, still in that bland voice. "WAIT! You replied!" "Yes, Yes I did." The voice mocked me. "How do I make him happy? how do i save him?" I pleaded. "Figure it out Ryan." It said. I tried to get it back in my head, but it was nowhere. "Good morning love." Brendon came in and wrapped his warm arms around my waste and looked over my shoulder and into the pan. "Pancakes? Yum. You should say over more often if you cook breakfast!" He told me kissing my neck. "Psh! Oh Brendon, why would I ever live with YOU?" I asked in a fake
surprised voice."Because you looooove me." You mumble into my neck still half asleep. "You've got that right Urie. You've got that right."

"So, what are these plans of yours?" I ask as you we drive along a highway. "Oh you will see my darling. You will see." Is all you tell me. We pass a 'you are know leaving Nevada' sign. "Brendon?" "Yes?" "Why are we leaving the state?" I ask and you just look at me with a blank expression. "Do you trust me?" "Yes." Then stop asking questions and live a little." "Well said Urie." "Thank you." We laugh and I lean back flipping my sunglasses over my eyes. The day is beautiful and sun is beating down on us through the windows. The air is blasting along with the radio and the thermometer reads 112, big shocker for Vegas. We drive, and drive, and drive some more. The radio goes out so we have to switch to some old fashioned Cd's. I pop in a mix tape I found under the seat. It was perfect.I already knew we were going to California, but the question was , WHERE in California. "Are we almost there?" I asked getting very very bored.
"Almost. Which is why you need to put this on." He handed me the infamous blindfold which i put right on. He has never given me a reason to hesitate to. We had been driving though some residential areas last time i could see. I had no clue how far up the state we were or how far inland we were. i had never really driven though Cali. Sure I had been to Los Angeles a few times but other than that, California was a complete stranger. Our car was slowing down, typical LA traffic, horns were honking, voices were being heard outside of our window barrier that separated us from the general public."Almost there Ry." He told me and squeezed my hand. Bout time too, my ass was starting to hurt. He parked his car and came around to help me out of my side just like he had at the concert only this time he remembered to take off my seat belt. We walked a few steps and stopped. The air smelled salty and waves could be heard. "I love you Ry." He whispered and untied the shield for my eyes. I couldn't believe the sight I saw.