Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 21-

I woke up in a hotel room that morning. Brendon was sill sound asleep next to me. I got up and made some shitty coffee and slid my laptop out of the bag I had brought. I needed to talk to someone. Anyone. I logged onto my IM. No one was
on. Perfect. Looking on the clock I realized it was 5:30 AM. No wonder no one was on. Normal people aren't supposed to be up this early. The computer gave out a a few musical notes and the screen showed Chip had just signed in. I could
walk to her.

RyRopwnsyou: CHIP!!!
ChippyluvsSJS: RYAN!!!!
Ryropwnsyou: How are you my darling?
ChippluvsSJS: Shitty. Work is so boring without you! And the whole place has gone downhill without you there.
Ryropwnsyou: orly?
ChippyluvsSJS: Yep. Its sad :-P
Ryropwnsyou: Hey chip can I tell you something?
ChippyluvsSJS: Of course. anything.
ChippyluvsSJS: If Brendon hurt you ill kick his ass

I debated if I really wanted to talk to her about this or not. If I could tell anyone it was Chip. And i really needed to talk to someone about this. I'm going crazy without being able to talk about it. Usually i would write but that just isn't working. Ive tried.

Ryropwnsyou: Chip, I'm a ghost. I died and I'm back on earth for two months to 'help someone'. i met Brendon. I love him. he loves me.I cant help him. Ive found his problem but its unfixable. I dint want to fucking go to heaven!!!!! *cries*
Ryropwnsyou: I also know how crazy that sounds but you have to believe me!!!
ChippyluvsSJS: O.O ...... wow?
Ryropwnsyou: Help?

Chip didn't respond. She either passed out or blocked me. I was about to sign off when she replied.

ChippyluvsSJS: No one is unfixable Ryan.
Ryropwnsyou: I cant fix this chip! his whole family died. He feels like it was his fault.
ChippyluvsSJS: I'm sure it wasn't unless he hired a hit man to take them out. But my point is, you'll think of something Ryan. You love him to much to let him go. Or let yourself go? O.o

She had a point. I cant give up. Brendon stirred on the bed and sat up rubbing his eyes.

Ryropwnsyou: I g2g chip. sleeping beauty is awake.
ChippyluvsSJS: You'll figure something out Ryro. I have faith in you. Remember, I love you!
Ryropwnsyou: Love you too Chip. Thank you so much!!!
ChippyluvsSJS: I'm here for you.
*Ryropwnsyou has just signed off*

"Wh-*insert yawn here* what are you doing up so early?" Brendon asked stretching his arms. I shrugged and climbed into bed with him. "Couldn't sleep." "Oh." Brendon laid back down and pulled me down with him. I rested me head on his bare chest and sighed. "What do you want to do today?" He asked. "We aren't going home today?" I asked thinking we would head home today. "Nope we're here for a week." He told me. "Really?" "Mhm." He mumbled. We laid there silently, Brendon stroking my head with his hand. "4 days." That no good god damn voice popped into my head. "Fuck you!" I screamed. "Excuse me?" Brendon asked. Shit! "Um, some bug just bit me. i was a-ah yelling at the bug." I tried to cover up. Brendon looked at me, not really
looking to convinced but oh well. "OK...." He laid back down. I snuggled back up to him. "Fucking bug." I mumbled into his chest a fought back my tears.