Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 4

Brendon and I decided to meet up at a small cafe' near the record store at noon. Since that was only three hours away and I needed to go home and shower, I decided to just to call in sick at work for today. I'm sure that new bimbo blond can cover my shift. Walking home, I stopped by the seven11 and got myself some red bull since my caffeine supply is now dripping down my shirt. I got home with about 2 hours to clean up and get to the cafe'.

I nervously shuffled through the loud cafe' doors. I was a few minutes early but Brendon was already sitting at a small table waving me over with a huge goofy grin on his face. I smiled back and went to join him.
"Hey. Glad you could make it." He smiled.
"Yeah. Hey I really am sorry for yelling at you this morning." I apologized.
"Ryan, honestly it was no big thing." He laughed and under the table, our legs ever so slightly touched. Our conversation from there went to music, to movies and then on to books. We really did have allot in common.
Even though Brendon was all smiles and hyper on the outside, the more I talked to him, the more I thought there was something wrong deep down. Just some small glint in his eyes that held so much pain. It was heartbreaking. "Ryan?" He snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I answered looking directly into his eyes. "Can I tell you something?? He asked and I of course agreed. "Ryan, I um, I don't know about you but I um-" wow, he was having a tough time saying whatever hes trying to say! "Ryan, I'm gay. I don't want you to freak out about it I just wanted to get it out there." He quickly said. I felt a small smile cross my lips. "Bren, I'm not going to freak out." I didn't tell him I was gay. I didn't tell him I was straight. I didn't tell him anything, yet. Not just yet.