Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 6

OK so I have decided that either way with Brendon, its a win win deal. I can spend time with him for two months, and if he has a problem, stay with him forever. But if he doesn't, I get what I wanted in the first place. See? Aren't I smart? But I am pretty sure he has a problem. I mean did you see the hurt in his beautiful eyes? Dammit in confusing myself again!

"Hey sexy," I heard a seductive voice behind me. Turning around from the counter I was standing at I saw Brendon. I blushed and pushed a bit of hair from my eyes. Its been about a week later and Brendon and have had some sort of interaction everyday. No not that kind of interaction! You dirty dirty minds! I mean like going to lunch together, or seeing a movie. However, we still aren't together. We haven't even kissed yet! "So when do you and that cute little ass get off work today?" He asked flipping through a 'History of Metal' book we had set at the register. Why we have that, I have no clue. "Ah, 5:00" I told him. He made a face as he skimmed pass a rather disturbing picture of Ozzy Osborne. He slammed the book closed and looked at me, "Pick you up then?" He asked as if it was even a question! I glanced at the clock, only 4:00. Dammit, still got an hour. "I'm gunna run by Starbucks before I come here. Want anything?" He questioned and I told him a tall soy Chi latte. God he was great.

I heard the familiar bell of the front door of the store about an hour later. Jumping off the ladder I was using to hang a new 'the used' poster and ran to the backroom to clock out. "Hello love." I smiled and gave him a hug. He seemed to linger from pulling back in our embrace. "What should we do tonight?" He asked me like he always does. "You decide" I told him like I always do. "No you." He will reply and I will say, "Cut the shit Brendon and tell me what we're going to do tonight". He will then go on and smile, make my heart melt and tell me the plans he has set for our night. We've gone through this every night this week.
"We're going to go to a special place." He tells me and I smile. We walk to his car and he hands me a blindfold. "Bren?. . ." uneasily ask. "Ryan?. . . " He mimics and orders me to tie it across my eyes. This should be interesting. . .