Slow motion, see me let go

Chapter 8-

The car sputtered to a stop after Brendon gave the wheel a sharp turn. "Hold on." He told me and jumped out of the car. I could here the faint sound of rock music outside of the car. Where the hell are we? My passenger door opened and Brendon grabbed my hand trying to pull me up. "seat belt Bren. Seat belt!" I whined clicking out of the strap. "whoops. sorry." He muttered. He pulled me up again and I was almost positive we we're at a concert. "When are you going to let me see where we are?" I complained in my 5 year old voice. "soon my friend soon." We walked a bit, the thumping sound of rock music beating into my heart. Cars whizzed past us honking their horns at Brendon and I. I mean why wouldn't they? Two emo guys walking hand in hand, one blind folded? Not a scene most people like to see. I don't think it bothered Brendon though, he still had the skip in his step. "OK, so as I'm sure you've figured out, we're at a concert." He said and I nodded,
"but!" Oh the infamous 'but' "this will be the best concert of your life." He finished. "And whys that?' I smirked. "Because it will be with me!" He shouted. I laughed. "And we have backstage passes." He quickly said. I smiled at him, a bit speechless. "Oh wait!" I heard a smack and figured it was caused by his forehead and palm. "I didn't tell you the band did I?" He laughed and I shook my head "nope." "Oh, well its Blink-182. Since I bailed on the last show."

*flash back*
I picked up the phone to hear Brendon's hyper voice on the other end.
"Hey Bren!" I answered.
"Dude, I'm really really sorry I cant make it to the concert tonight! My dog is really sick and we're at the emergency vet right know! I'm really sorry!" He explained. It almost sounded like he was crying.
"Oh, its OK. I understand. I hope everything goes OK." I told him and he said he had to go. I hung up the phone and sulked with a bag of popcorn all night.

*back to the present*

"WHAT!" I shouted as my jaw dropped to the floor. "How-how did you get tickets to another show? Why are they even playing another show? I thought the tour was over!" I rambled.
"Well, lets just say I have friends in high places *cough-hooked their body guard up with his wife in high school-cough*. I got them to come and play a small private show tonight." He explained finally taking the blindfold off my face. We we're in a alley outside of a small venue. In front of us was a 'employee only' door. "Ready?" He asked with a goofy grin. "Hell yeah!" I shouted kissing him on the lips. Oh shit did I really just do that?