Everybody's Doing It, Baby

*** IT UP!

"Winnie! Get up, please!" A sqeakish voice said yelled.

"Mmm..." I moaned.

I felt the blanket getting pulled off of me then my body fell onto the floor. "Ouch! Bitch!" I yelled trying to figure out who did this to me. Moraya was staring at me with the blanket over her shoulders like she was a super hero or something.

I got up from the floor unbuttoning my top. "Wow! Are you gonna change in front of me!?" Moraya said with her eyes really really big. I don't know how she does that.

I threw my top at her face and slipped on one of Jenn's T-shirts that had our bands name on it. Addictions. I pulled off my shorts and replaced them with my jean shorts.

Moraya and I walked down stairs to the basement, where all our instruments were. We had to practice tonight so we could be ready to play for a high school prom. We're a really famous band... Okay, only famous in L.A, but it's still the same, right? I grabbed my drumsticks and tapped them together yelling "1, 2, 3" and then started beating the drums while Jenn was on the guitar and Moraya on the bass.

Just to clear things up, Moraya on the bass, plus our rapper, I'm the drummer and back up vocals, while Jenn is the guitarist/lead singer/screamer/other rapper. Think of a band sounding like a mix of BrokeNCYDE, Slipknot, Paramore, and Hollywood Undead. Yeah, it sounds fucked up if you think about it, but if you hear it, it's pretty hardcore.

"WE'RE FREAKING AWESOME!" Moraya yelled messing around with her bass.

"We're gonna be sooo awesome, that they're gonna wanna blow us!" Jenn sang into the mic.

"What the hell? We don't have penises, Jenn?" I said confused.

Jenn looked at her watch and ran upstairs to the TV, and I have no idea why. Moraya followed, skipping along. I laughed, and ran upstairs too. "Oh damn! There so fucking hot!" Jenn said googly eyed at Hollywood Undead on TV.

"I like Charlie Scene" I said smiling.

"I think Johnny is the sexiest!" Moraya said doing her weird eye thing. Jenn and I stared at her, and she just stared back. "What?! He is." she said while cocking her eyebrows up and down.

"I think they're all pretty sexy." Jenn said. I rolled my eyes.

"Pick a favorite." I said bluntly.


"DO IT, BITCH." I yelled, and she laughed.

"Fine!... Da Kurlzz and Deuce. HAPPY?!" she yelled, and Moraya slapped her. Why? I have no idea. "What the fuck, Moraya?" Jenn asked while laughing.

"Pick only one." Moraya said in a weird accent. Moraya is.. weird.

"I like sex." I said randomly.

"What the fuck?" Moraya and Jenn said at the same time.

"I wanted to change the subject! We gotta go and get ready for the prom concert thing. Some special guest band is going to be there. AND IT'S NOT US!" I exclaimed.

"WHY?!" Moraya yelled, and Jenn pretended to cry.

"You guys are so weird." I laughed, heading upstairs to change. I decided on a white tank top, and leopard pattern shorts. Moraya was wearing gray skinny jeans, a hot pink tutu, black studded belt, and a blue tank top. Honestly, I don't know why she dresses like that. She likes to be notice, I guess. Jenn picked out some ripped jeans, white studded belt, and purple tank top.

"Wait, isn't this a prom? Shouldn't we be wearing dresses? I'm so confused!" Moraya exclaimed.

"Fuck it!" I yelled.

"FUCK IT UP!" Jenn exclaimed while jumping.

"Fuck what up?" Moraya asked.

"Your pussy." Jenn stated bluntly.

"YOU'RE GONNA FUCK MY PUSSY UP?!" Moraya exclaimed, horrified.

"Now, I'm gonna punk your pussy." Jenn said bluntly again.

"Why?!" Moraya shrieked. I knew where this was going.

"'Cause I'ma punk that pussy like I'm Ashton Kutcher!" Jenn and I yelled at the same time.

"FAGGOTS!" Moraya exclaimed, running upstairs.

"Aw, come on, Moraya, we're just kidding! Come on! We have to leave! We're gonna be late!" Jenn yelled.

"Oh, right. Forgot." Moraya said while walking back down. "Let's go!"

J-Dog's POV

"Addictions! Addictions! Addictions! Addictions!" the whole crowed yelled. Wow, this band must be real famous around here. I've never heard of them though.

"I wonder what kind of addictions." Aron slurred while smirking. We all decided to get drunk before we came to this prom, since there's no beer here.

"Yo man, that's gay. Addictions is probably a group of scene faggots." Dillon said while shaking his head.

"I take that offensively." Jordan chimed in. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"I was talking about the crowd, dipshit. The crowed filled with amazingly hot, underage girls." Aron slurred again. Holy shit, he drank too much.

"That's sick, man. Though they are pretty hot." Jordan smirked.

"Yo, don't even think about it, man. That's pedophilia." I said, shaking my head. I didn't have as much to drink as these guys. Matt and George didn't either.

"And pedophilia is a cool word." Aron stated.

"Whoa, look at those chicks. They're definitely not underage." Matt said, pointing at three girls. They all had long hair, but they were all different colors. The one leading wearing a pink tutu -which was also the shortest one- had light brown hair, and red highlights. The middle one, who had the most tattoo's, had dark brown hair with a ton of blonde and light brown highlights. Then the last one- really caught my attention the most. She was the only one wearing shorts, and they were leopard printed. Her face, even from side view, was structured perfectly. I sound like a pussy, but hey, it's true, so fuck you. Her hair was curled wavily, and it was black and purple. She was... fucking hot. They all had nice asses and tits.

"Dude, nice ass and tits alert." Dillon said, pointing at the three girls.

"Daaaaaamn." we all say at the same time. They were all heading towards the stage, and we just watched them.

"I call the shortest one." George said, never taking his eyes off of her.

"Wait, what? You can't call any of them! There's only three!" Matt yelled.

"I call dibs on the cheetah." I said.

"What? No!" Matt yelled again.

"I call-"

"I GET THE TATTOOED ONE!" Matt yelled loudly, beating Aron to it. "Ha!"

"Just 'cause you call her, doesn't mean I won't hit on her." Aron pointed out, still slurring.

"That's fucking true. I also call cheetah." Jordan said.

"Don't matter, she's mine." I said to him.

"We'll see about that." he said back.

"Well I wanna call the short one then." Dillon said. Each girl has two guys after them.

"What's up, bitches- OW! What the fuck- oh shit, we're not supposed to be cussing. Oh shit, I just cussed. Oh shi- I mean crap. I did it again." the tattooed one said with her guitar. The cheetah girl was on the drums, and the tutu girl on bass. "Ha... anyways.. I'm Morphine."

"And I'm XTC!" cheetah one said.

"And I'm Heroin." tutu girl said. They all had nice voices.

"And we're Addictions." They started off playing a cover song of Undead. By us. Hollywood Undead. Holy shit, they're good.

"Those are definitely not scene faggots." Aron said to Dillon. No, they sure as hell aren't.
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got it out. finished. finally.
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