I'm not what you think I am

Prelude: Meeting my to-be sister-in-law

I looked up when my doorbell rang. Confused, I tried to remember who was comming over today. Then it hit me, Tyler was bringing his fiancce Nikkole to meet me. When I awnsered the door, I saw the girl. She had the most expressive, strangely familar, yellow eyes with light blue streaking through, but what slightly shocked me was her appearence.

Purple hair wth black highlights, blue skin(not uncommon nowadays) and big ears. Then I had degavu. This was the baby alein I had watched for a week when I was twelve.

"You? I... Wow, auquard," I said, and shifted my weight to my other leg.

"Thought you looked familar," she muttered, "Ty, I met her when we were babys."

"What secret have you been keeping from us?" Ty said.

"Her mom told me I coulden't tell annyone," I said. "Well, I can now."

"Yes, please tell us," Ty stated, ad him and.. Nikki sat on my couch.

"You were half a year old, and she was, like, three months," I started. I told them about how she had been on my closet, the note that explained what she was and the secrecy. I had watched her a week, the reason I used to sleep around(I had wanted a baby like her). The way her mom talked to me, and how I was affected.

"Wow," Ty whispered.
"Yeah," Nikki said.
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I came up awhile ago, and thought this a good start.