Status: Inactive until further notice. Sorry. Comments are appreciated though, maybe I'll try to update if I know people are interested in it still.

The Forsaken.

We are the lost, the ones forgotten.
We were alone, on our own.

There were only a few things that we were certain of:
1. That our county, and possibly the country, had been overthrown and replaced.
2. What had replaced the people and most of the citizens, were not entirely human
3. The military had known about the ‘Shifters’.
4. After each of us had received inoculations from local military bases we changed….
5. Parents were gone. Along with most of the kids.
6. Only a few of us remained. Refugees seeking refuge amongst each other.
7. The refuge sites were called “Undergrounds”.

And the three most important things we knew?

8. Never leave an Underground after nightfall.
9. Never attract attention to yourself.
10. Whatever you do…
Never forsake.

This is the story, the secret society of a surviving group of kids and the war they are fighting…

“Cas…” We were blinded in darkness, separated from the others. I gripped my little sister’s hand tightly. Our ears strained, listening for some sign of life; yet all I could hear was the pounding of my own heart.

“Cas.” Sierra whimpered beside me. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” Something heavy crunched beneath a twig several feet away in the nearby brush. Laura yelped beside me as she wrapped her arms around my waist, clutching her favorite webkinz to her chest.
“This isn’t your fault, Sia.” I whispered, but we all heard the lie on my lips. The truth was that maybe if things had been different, if Sierra hadn’t been…I stopped the thought dead. It was Sierra’s fault on principle yet she had done nothing to bring this on us.

We slowly backed away from where we had herd the crunch. We moved backwards, being mindful of the dead leaves and twigs. That was when Laura’s foot came down on a twig. The crack seemed to reverberate around us. All of us flinched, none of us breathed. My thoughts drifted to the rest of Alpha Underground. Where they alive? Had the twins escaped? Had Matt been capture while trying to be a hero? My stomach knotting uncomfortably at the thought.
A growl issued from somewhere within the woods, snapping me from my thoughts, as suddenly all we herd was the crunching of leaves, growing steadily louder as they drew nearer, running now.
They were coming for us, hunting us….