Tre's Angel

Finding Out

“The operation has been a success,” said the surgeon coming in to the relative’s room.

It was like a light bulb going on in front of them, hope at last.

Tre went over to the surgeon and shook his hand.

“How is she?” He asked. He was so concerned but at the same time he felt like a weight had been lifted from him.

“She’s still in a critical condition but the operation went well, we should know more over the next day or so.” Said the surgeon looking around at Angel’s family.

“It seems we got over the first hurdle.” The surgeon said, “but it is still early days.”

“Can I see her?” said Tre hopefully then Ron and her parents came up to join him as he spoke to the surgeon.

“When can we see her?” Her parents said, desperate to see their daughter.

“You can go now but don’t spend too long with her, she’s unconscious and we’ll probably keep her like that for 24 hours, the first day is important, if she gets over that she stands a good chance of getting through this but it will be a slow recovery at first.”

“Thank you,” said Tre shaking the surgeon’s hand once again. “Thank you so much.”

“Come on buddy,” said Ron putting his arms around her shoulders, “lets go and see her.”


She was hooked up to so many wires she looked frail and delicate, tubes were in her nose, in her mouth and arms, everywhere.

Tre went over to her and kissed her gently on her lips, as gently as possible because he thought even that could hurt her then he got from his pocket Angel’s wedding ring that they gave him for safekeeping whilst she was having the operation and then he placed it on her tiny finger then got the brooch out of his pocket and once again pinned that onto her hospital gown, then he touched her fine her and sat down next to her on one side of the bed just holding her hand while her parents and Ron spoke to her.

“Can I stay here?” said Tre to a nurse who was checking Angel’s monitors.

“Not really but… may be in a couple of hours after we’ve done some initial checks it should be OK.” She said turning to Tre.

“Lets go and get you home to clean up, get something to eat and then come back,” said Ron.


“You have to Tre, just do it, get changed and cleaned up and then once you’re back you can probably sit there for as long a you like.” Ron said knowing that this was for the best, Tre needed to freshen up and be ready for Angel when she woke.

Tre looked up at the nurse who just nodded. He didn’t want to go, he just wanted to sit by the bed and watch his wife but he decided to do what Ron was saying so he kissed her sweet lips once more then turned and walked out of the hospital room looking at Angel all the while.

He was scared to leave her.

In the shower Tre was even more scared. What if she died? He hadn’t said all he’d wanted to say, hadn’t done all he’d wanted to do. What if she was dying right now while he was soaping himself up?

What if she just… doesn’t wake up?


Back at the hospital everything was just the same. The nurse said that everything seemed to be OK, the signs were so far good and she was doing well.

“When will she wake up?” Tre asked the nurse in a desperate voice.

“It’s hard to say,” said the nurse, busying herself.

“You don’t know do you?” he said looking at her back.

“Well we’re keeping her sedated for now but we’re lowering the dosage every hour, so she could wake up at any time Mr. Wright.”

“What are her chances?” Tre said in a quieter tone.

“I can’t say,” said the nurse turning to him. She could see the pain in his eyes and had seen it in so many relatives. Some of them were lucky and their loved one survived, some of them were not so lucky.

“You don’t give much away do you?” he asked the nurse

“I really can’t say Mr Wright, every case is different but Angela…. she stands a good chance, she’s young and fit and healthy apart from her heart condition.”

“So she stands a good chance then?” Tre said hopefully and taking Angel’s hand once again into his.

“Between you and me… I think so,” said the nurse.

Tre could have put his arms around the nurse and hugged her but he held himself back.


Tre was trying to eat a cheese sandwich that Ron had brought him but could only manage half so he got up to put the plate over on a dresser that was in the room. As he turned he saw them, those beautiful blue eyes that he loved.

Looking at him.

“Angel,” he said rushing over to her a smile beaming across his face.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” whispered Angel.


She was sleeping once more but Tre felt ecstatic. He’d spoken to her and she was all right, the nurse had come in and checked her and then called the doctor who confirmed that she was still in a stable condition but her signs were looking good.

Her parents were called and they all stood around the hospital bed just staring at Angel as she slept.

“She looks better already,” said Ron glancing at his sister and noticing that she had a slight colour in her cheeks.

“I thought that,” said Tre.

“My baby is going to be alright,” said Angel’s mum but once again crying, sobbing openly onto her husband’s shoulder but this time they were tears of happiness.

They all stayed there for a while until Angel woke again, they had to see it for themselves that their Angel had well and truly come round from the operation.

“Hey…” said Angel, “what… are all you guys doing here,” she whispered looking round at her family.

“What do you think we’re doing here?” said Ron, “seeing that you’re OK of course dumbo,” he said enjoying calling her dumbo once more. He didn’t care, he’d call her dumbo until the day she died and he hoped now that would be when they were old and grey together.

Then more visitors came, Billie, Adrienne and Mike, coming through the door with a huge bouquet of flowers and a little white teddy bear with ‘Angel’ written on it in purple writing.

“Hey there’s no room for everyone,” said Angel.

”We’ll go for a short while,” said Angel’s father ushering her mother out of the room, “we could do with getting changed. We’ll be back soon,” he said bending to kiss his daughter on the forehead.

Angel’s mother didn’t kiss her daughter, just let her husband usher her away, it was as if she was still in a state of shock from it all.

Everyone was so pleased about Angel making a quick recovery and the doctor came in and said that some of her tubes could be removed and if she wanted she could have something to eat.

Toast was brought in by a nurse and she laughed at all the friends crammed into the room and thought how loved this girl Angela was, the one they all called Angel.

After about an hour Billie, Adi, Mike and Ronnie left Tre alone with Angel noticing that she’d grown slightly tired and was yawning constantly.

“We’ll come by tomorrow,” they said each kissing Angel before they left.

”Bye guys… thanks… thanks for coming,” she said watching them all leave the room and waving at her as they went.

“So…” said Tre taking her hand and kissing it. “I can’t wait to get you home, home with me, its going to happen now Angel I just know it,” he said. “Everything is going to be just perfect, you’ll love my home and I know a couple of people that can’t wait to meet you.” He said.

”Have you told them about me?” She said.

”Well… no… I’ve told Claudia about the situation but thought that when you’re much better, I’ll fly back home quickly and tell the children that I’m now married to you and tell them that you’re coming to live with us and be one big happy family.” He said proudly.

”I can’t… wait,” said Angel and yawning once again.

“Listen honey,” said Tre. “I’m going to grab a bite to eat, I shall be back in an hour, will you be OK without me?” He said bending and kissing her forehead.

”Tre… I’ll never be OK without… you,” she said. “But I could do with a nap. Love you… so much.” She said then started drifting off into dreamland as the nurse came into the room to check her once again. Tre smiled to himself, he was so happy.

Everything was going to be OK.


Tre went back to the hotel to shower and grab some fresh clothes then got a few things for Angel, her ipod and a magazine that she knew she’d only half read. He picked up a few items of clothing of hers that were strewn on the hotel floor, a little scarf that she often wore and as he picked it up he sniffed at it. It smelt of her.

His Angel.

She was going to be fine, they were going to be together for so long and he was going to take care of her, get her stronger then take her home.

He couldn’t wait.


Walking along the corridor to Angel’s room, Tre noticed a commotion outside of Angel’s door, lots of nurses coming in and out of the room and a couple of doctors came running past him to get to Angel’s room.

Something was happening he thought, his stomach dropping as he ran to the room and stopped in the doorway.

The noise was shrill, the noise of the monitor that Angel was attached to.

She was out cold, her heart had stopped and they were doing everything they could to get her back.