Tre's Angel

One Good Reason

“Hi Ronnie,” said Tre.

Here it comes, now he was expecting Tre to come and speak to him but didn’t think he’d come knocking on his hotel room door though, just thought he’d catch him on his own somewhere. But Tre purposely went there to see him and he knew why.

“Come in dude, you OK?” he said letting Tre into the room and watching him walk on past him.

“Um… I‘m great. Listen Ronnie I know you don’t approve of Angel and me.” Said Tre, facing way from Ronnie.

“Its not that I don’t approve Tre, its just…”

Tre turned to face him.

“Well… Angel and I, shit Ronnie, I’m in love with her.” He blurted out.

Ronnie could see in his eyes that he was.

“I know you’re going to think its too soon but…”

“It’s not that Tre,” said Ronnie. Oh fucking hell, this wasn’t happening.

“I just love her, she’s wonderful and I just want to be with her.” Said Tre.

“I know you do and I’m fine about it.” Said Ronnie finally. How could he fight it, Tre and Angel and their… love.

“What?” said Tre. He wasn’t expecting this reaction.

“Tre, I’ve already spoken to Angel,” said Ronnie going over to the drummer.

“She told you already?” Asked Tre. His eyes looked different thought Ronnie, sparkly and full of life. He’d not seen that on him in all the time that they’d been together.


His face lit up and he came and hugged Ronnie then and they gave each other a manly pat on the back type of hug.

“I love her so much. I’d never hurt her.” He said, trying to reassure Ronnie.

“Yeah I know you won’t dude.”

But she’ll end up hurting you.

Tre went away with a spring in his step and Ronnie felt guilty, guilty for bringing them together in the first place.


Lying cuddling up to Tre Angel listened to him talk about his children. How gorgeous you are she thought. I wish I could have children with you. You are the only person I’ve met that I would have kids with.


“Billie I need to speak with you,” said Ronnie.

It was quite late and Billie and Adrienne were on their way to bed.

“Its OK honey, you stay here with Ronnie, I’ll see you in a while. Goodnight Ronnie,” said Adrienne walking out of the room.

“Goodnight Adrienne,” he said waiting until the brunette had closed the door.

“Everything OK Ronnie?” said Billie. He wondered what Ronnie could possibly chat about, he’d noticed the look on Ronnie’s face since Angel arrived and he knew Ronnie didn’t entirely agree with Angel and Tre getting together, it was a little obvious to him, he could read people pretty well.

“No, not really, its just…” he sighed.

“Let me guess, Tre and Angel,” said Billie slumping down into the sofa.

“Yes,” said Ronnie slumping down near him.

“He loves her doesn’t he?” asked Billie his green eyes boring into Ronnie. He’d noticed it, nothing bypassed him.

“Yep and she loves him too,” said Ronnie. “They’ve both spoken to me.”

Billie sighed.

“Look Ronnie I know the impression Tre gives off but he’s a faithful and loving guy you know even though he’s been married twice. He was always faithful and still loves those ex-wives in his own sort of way.”

“I’ve realised that but it’s not him I wanted to talk to you about.” Said Ronnie. Billie noticed he’d paled slightly.

“Oh,” Billie said, frowning.

“Its Angel. I need to tell you about her.”


”Where have you been?” Said Angel sitting up and watching Tre coming into the room, he was looking flustered slightly.

“Oh… just out getting you a little something,” he said the hugest of grins forming across his face.

“And what little something would that be?” Angel said loving watching this guy.

“Only this.” And he produced a little dark blue velvet box from his jacket pocket, opened it up and inside was the most beautiful solitaire diamond ring she’d ever seen.

“Angel, make me proud and happy, come away with me, marry me and have my children.” He said the grin still adorning his face.

Oh my god. She’d been proposed to, something she’d always dreamt of and by the most wonderful person.

Tre noticed her reaction.

Her face fell and she bowed her head.

“What is it honey, you know its right?” Tre said stroking at her long blonde hair.

“I can’t marry you Tre.” She said, not looking at him.

Those words, those words echoed round in his brain and cut through him. He felt sick.

“WHAT?” He said. What was going on here? He was definitely sure that this was the right thing. He knew how she felt about him. The same as he did for her. He knew it. What was she playing at?

“I’m sorry,” she said, still unable to look at him she couldn’t look at his face at this moment. She felt so guilty.

“Give me one good reason,” said Tre. She noticed he’d stopped stroking her hair.

“There is one good reason,” whispered Angel.

“Tell me,” he said. One good reason, one good reason, what the fuck was it?

She didn’t speak.

“I don’t believe this,” said Tre getting up from the bed where he had been sitting next to her, “something tells me you want this too, I know you do Angel, what’s stopping you?”

“You wouldn’t understand,” she said still whispering.

“Try me,” Tre snapped and his words made her jump and look at him. Shit he was hurting inside and she hated herself right at this moment. She hadn’t wanted this to happen. May be Ronnie was right after all.

“I can’t,” she said looking at him. She loved him and she’d hurt him. She was a bitch.

“Well… well fuck you then,” said Tre and he got up off the bed and stormed out of the room, not even looking back.


“Hey Ronnie, I think Tre and Angel have had some kind of disagreement,” said Mike coming up to the session musician. “Tre seems pissed off about something, he’s not talking to anyone. Do you know what’s happened?” said Mike concerned about his old drumming friend.

“Mike there’s something I need to tell you.” Said Ronnie.


“Tre, I’m sorry, she has her reasons.” Said Ronnie. They were in the sitting room area, just the two of them. All the guys had left them alone. Billie and Mike were worried for Tre. Yesterday he was full of life, happy with Angel and their relationship and today, today he looked devastated.

”Oh, so do you know these reasons?” said Tre pacing up and down the room.

Tre was pacing and Ronnie was sitting at the table playing with a drink’s mat, just turning it over and over.

“Yes Tre I do.” Said Ronnie.

“Then tell me,” said Tre coming up to the table and sitting down next to him. He looked awful, grey looking.

I’ve done this to him… to them. Its all my fault thought Ronnie.

“I can’t Tre, she needs to tell you herself.” Said Ronnie looking at him, knowing Tre wouldn’t understand.

“What’s with all the secrets? Something’s going on here?” said Tre storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

Ronnie cringed.


She was lying on the bed when he entered the room, facing away from him like a beautiful doll, her blonde hair all around her. She was sobbing silently and he loved her so much.

She sat up silently as if knowing he was in the room. He eyes were bloodshot and puffy. She was hurting too, he had to go to her for her loved her and she needed comforting.

“Tre,” she said as he sat next to her. She took his hand in her own. “Tre I have to say this. I have to say that I do want to marry you, to come back with you and have your children but it…. it won’t be happening.” She said gently stroking his hand.

“I don’t understand Angel, you’ll need to come up with something better than that,” he said gently.

Angel sighed as fresh tears fell from her face onto their joined hands.

“It won’t be happening because it wouldn’t be fair on you. Tre I don’t want to have to tell you this but…. Tre,” then Angel squeezed her eyes shut as she said the words, the words she hated saying to this man who she’d just fallen in love with.

“I’m dying.”