Sequel: So Close To Perfect

Mad World

I had never felt so alone...

When dad and I reached our small apartment I chose a bedroom, locked myself in it and cried, telling myself that its all for the best.

Dad drove me to school on the first day. I still felt out of place but was glad to find some cool looking guys sitting near some small buildings. They reminded me a bit of my friends back in Jersey so I walked up to them. I got along with them surprisingly well. They complimented my Misfit’s hoodie which made me beam. For the first time in over a week I forgot about New Jersey.

I followed them to class a few minutes after the bell rang. The teacher was already there. He was an old, tall man with short white hair and big glasses. Wow what a stereotype!
I found a seat next to one of my new friends, Shannon I think his name was.

He showed me to my first drama class. When the teacher, Ms Robertson, started to talk about rules and expectations I tuned out. I thought about New Jersey, my friends, Mikey and Ellie. I felt sadness wash over me again.

“We will start with some little activities. Umm… you and you, up you get,” said the teacher pointing to Shannon and me. We both groaned slightly but obeyed her command and made our way to the front. She got us to act out a lot of things, all of which involved a lot of effort and energy, neither of which I had at the time.

Fifteen minutes later I sat back down feeling somewhat defeated. Jared patted my back making me smile weakly.

After school I walked back to the apartment and let myself in. Dad wasn’t there “Surprise, surprise!” I said sarcastically to no one in particular.

I was about to lock myself in my room again when I noticed his bedroom door was open, and it was completely empty inside. I ran into his room and hysterically searched for…ANYTHING! But it was all gone. Had he deserted me? ....Was I simply overreacting? I went back to my room and cried. I had never felt so alone.

After about an hour of balling my eyes, I got out a pen and paper and started to write. I wrote whatever came to my mind. I didn’t stop for hours, until finally I fell asleep.

In the morning I got dressed, applied make-up, styled my hair and walked to school, buying some food on the way. I found my new friends at the same building. We greeted each other then one of them, Emily I think, started rambling on about her evil math teacher. I caught Jared’s eye and motioned for him to follow me. I needed to talk to someone. He really wasn’t that much help. I explained everything that had happened recently; he just listened and occasionally nodded.

Now I felt kind of angry, which didn’t help my concentration in drama. It upset me to realize that maybe film wasn’t for me. My parents had wasted so much money because of me.
Dad wasn’t back yet so I decided to do something about it. I called mum who didn’t seem too worried… She arrived a week later with Kat.