No One Could Ever Make Me Feel This Way.


Franks POV.

"Frank what in the world are you scribbling all over!" my teacher yelled and shot me a look.
"My notebook?" I replied.
"For gods sake Franklin its the last day of your eigth grade year! Why don't you go talk and have fun with your friends?" she said to me and pointed to the kids on the other side of the room with this just-do-something-else look.
All the kids giggled and looked like please don't make him comeover here.
"That's why." I said as I slung my backpack over my shoulder just as the last period bell rang signaling the end of the school year.

I walked down the hallway to my locker getting a lot of pushes and shoves from the basketball players. Yes I said basketball. Basketball ruled our school because there wasn't enough room to build a football field anywhere. If you wanted to be cool you'd join the basketball team. I walked to my locker and pulled out my sketchbooks, never turned in homework, notebooks, and my pens and pencils. I shoved everything into my bookbag and headed for the door.

I walked up to the big french doors to te school finally feeling free of my afterschool beat downs. All the jocks be gone by now, they were kinda like me, they to be as far from this school as possible. I opened the doors and let the smell of the ocean hit me. Thank god for one day of the year I can smell that without getting a split lip or getting kicked in the ribs.

I started to make my daily walk home. It was a very long walk because margate was a smaller island off the coast of ocean city thus, I had to cross a super long bridge everyday.
I walked down the boxy intertwing streets and looked at all the confused tourists and the boardwalk on tenth street. It was bustling with people. Yes, mostly tourists who think there all smart. Pshh... half of them didn't even know where they were going. I walked up to the paytoll at the bridge to see my the regular guy marty there. I handed a dollar and started to walk.

"Frankie boy!" marty yelled in his scruffy voice signaling me to come back.
"Yes marty?" I asked nicely for he was my only kinda-esk friend.
"What did I say about paying this damned fee!" he shrieked and threw my dollar at me.
"You said not to since I walk it everyday." I said back.
"Well then listen next time. There no reason for you to waste your precious dollars o a damned brige." he said back at me with a smile.
"Okay." I replied.

I walked across the bridge looking at all the speedboats and fishing boats zooming past obviousley ignoring the no wake signs. I trotted of the bridge and walked two blocks down to my street and had a sigh of relief escape from me. I walked up to my tiny home and walked inside. My house was the third smallest on the island of margate but it was just me and my mom so its not like we need one of those huge three million dollar homes. I ran up to my room trying to not let my mom hear I was home cause the I'd have to do chores. I opened my door and threw my bookbag on the floor. I ran to my bed fell into it. I layed there for a couple minutes finally taking it in that I would be alone this summer again without any friends. I would probably just take the boat out on the water and draw the entire summer.

Just as I was processing these thoughts my mom ran through the door and yelled for me to come help her with the groceries. I sat up feeling like this was all my summer was going to be. Me and my mom. I hate my life. I opened the door to my room and slowly made my way down the steps. I walked outside were the car trunk was open and full of groceries. I walked to the car and grabbed to bags. Just as I started to walk towards the front door I saw something unfamiliar to this island. A moving truck. And it was right next door. I thought to myself if they could possibly have a kid my age but then reality hit me... only old people move onto this island or stupid young couples with like babies.

I walked into the house and set the bags of groceries down on the counter. I went out and got the rest and came inside to help unpack them.

"Hey mom?" I asked worried she'd freak at me if she had a bad day.
"Yes Frankie darling what is it? she said hurridly unpacking the food.
"Who's moving in next door?" I asked.
" Uhmm I'm not sure but there boat arrived at there dock this morning. They might be out there why don't you look for yourself." she mumbled.

I opened up the back door and walked to the end of the porch to see a boat pretty similar to ours. It was probably just old people who like to fish. But just as I said this thought inside my head the most gorgeous boy i'd ever seen walked out of the sliding doors. He had long black hair and dressed pretty similar to me. He had a flawless pail white face. He was absoloutley stunning. I thought about how much sunscreen that kid was going to have to use to not get seriousley burnt here. But then I realised how retarded must look just staring at this kid. So I walked inside and up to my room. I was going to draw this kid if it killed me.

You guys have probably gotten the hint already that I'm bisexual. Haha my mom said I was just born that way. But I don't know. I heard my mom call me and I knew that she had some type of excrutiating task for me to do. I hated not having a dad. Dad's were supposed to cater to there wives not there sons to there mothers. I walked downstairs and my mom told me the boated needed to be washed. I dreaded going back out there at the thought of the boy watching attempt to clean a boat nicely.

I walked out of the slidding glass door frame and heard:

"Heyy?! What's up?

I turned to see the cute kid out on their deck by the fence closest to my house. I ckoked I didn't know what to say, I...