Status: Completee!!!

The Sticky Note Chronicles

Strawberry Fields Forever

A choked snore bounced off the white walls of the girl’s room. Posters hung from the door, scattering across the wall. Memories lived in photographs pinned around the room.
A kitten calendar hung from the opposite site of the room from where the Irish girl slept ungracefully atop her sheets.
A red circle around November 21st. Marking the day of her birth, a day where she would receive gifts from her close friends to celebrate the anniversary of life.
Well, that was, if she ever bloody woke up.
Another choked snore, she rolled onto her side, flinging her arm over her head to block her eyes from the sunlight, peaking through her window.
Her hand slammed into her nightstand, once again, knocking the clutter to the floor. As Buddha made his great descent, he clattered rather loudly on the floor, startling the redhead awake.
“Wha!” She shouted, sitting straight up. Blinking, she glanced to her clock. Blinking again.
And again…
And then it set it.
“Alarm!” She yelled, it dawning on her that she had forgotten to set her alarm the previous evening.
“Late, late, late. Missed first class… Late…” She muttered, scurrying around her room, pulling on capri’s, attempting to find a clean blouse, ripping a comb through her hair harshly.
She rushed through her morning routine, finishing in record time and slightly out of breath. Snatching her bag and text books she made her way to the kitchen as quickly as she could while not tripping over herself.
But she stopped, rather suddenly, dropping two of her text books onto the floor. A loud ‘thump’ echoed throughout the apartment.
Momentarily, she heard a groan coming from Mel’s room; she glanced at the white door.
She glanced back towards the bar. On a small plate, with a large glass bowl covering it, was a cute little cake.
White frosting, flecks of coconut, and strawberry garnishes. The Irish woman blinked, stepping forward to inspect the small cake further.
Next to it was a square wrapped in green wrapping paper, a purple sticky note over it.
Happy Birthday, I hope you
like strawberry cake. And
the Beatles.

Norah’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. She looked from the sticky note, to the white door, back to the sticky note, and then to the cake.
She tore the green paper off of the square – revealing the CD underneath. The image on the cover was that of four men, one in a white suit, another in a black suit, one in a grey suit, and the last in blue jeans and a blue shirt. She stared at the album, blinking.
“*Abbey Road…” She whispered, a smile spreading across her face quickly. A CD that was unusually, hard to find in good condition for a reasonable price.
“Abbey Road!” She screamed, jumping triumphantly in the air. As her feet came back down, her shoulders tensed. She glanced back at the white door of her mysterious roommate.
She did not hear the stifled laugh of the girl attempting to sleep in that room. She did not notice the bemused, yet calm smile passing her features as she recognized the girl’s happiness from behind that door. Norah did not even notice the way the girl’s heart almost seemed to flutter at the sound of her laughter.
No, Norah didn’t notice this.
Because the redhead was very, very late for class. Which she realized… about three seconds later.
Which, in turn, she stifled a screech of horror, running to grab a blue pen and sticky note.
Her hand slammed against Mel’s door as she posted the note quickly, turning to snatch her books from where they had fallen, and rushing out the apartment door.
The brunette behind the closed door waited a moment before rolling out of bed. Opening the plain door, she looked at the green sticky note.

She stared at the note, her blue eyes holding something… deeper. Something unexplained, something raw. She tapped the note against her lips for a moment, before turning back into her room and slamming the door behind her.
It was left to echo within the empty apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
* = Abbey Road - (noun) Probably the single best album of all time. Ever. No debate. Nuff said.

WOO, another chapter. Ermm, okay, I'm going on vacation starting on Wednesdaaay, so I won't be able to post anymore chapters until... about two weeks... Erkk, sorry. I might update tomorrow though, just to give you all something to read.

I HAD SPINACH PIZZA. It was delicious.