Status: Completee!!!

The Sticky Note Chronicles

Do you want to know a secret?

Upon a white lazy-boy, clad in an olive green blanket, was the disheveled image of an Irish woman. She was slumped forward, her elbows resting on her knees, her forehead upon the heels of her hands.
Decisions, decisions.
“On one hand, I could go with Andrew and make sure that we’re still steady, and make that little bitch jealous.”
Her thoughts echoed within her own mind.
“On the other… I could finally see what she looks like…”
A groan, long and drawn out as the woman flumped back in the white chair, and glared at the ceiling.
“He’s my boyfrien’! I should go out wit’ him… But…” The reasoning wasn’t working. The pro’s and con’s lists were equal, balancing upon the woman’s head.
“I really… want to meet her…”
This evening, she was invited by Andrew to go out with a group of friends to eat dinner at a local restaurant. She didn’t really know most of his friends, but she knew that bubbly airhead trying to steal him away was going to be there, and she really, really wanted to claim her property.
But, the dilemma – Mel had finally gotten an evening off. The latest sticky note stated that her professor was sick, so she could skip school, and she had the night off from work…
In turn, the mysterious woman had invited her to have dinner there in the apartment. To finally meet face to face.
Norah’s mouth formed a small pout.
“Ughhh, why can’t I have a bloody time turner?” She yelled at the ceiling.
Glancing at the clock, a scowl on her pale, freckled face – an hour until she had to be here or there…


“Both!” She said, sitting up straight. A broad grin crossing her features. “I’ll go ou’ with Andrew… teach tha’ li’l slut a lesson, and then come meet Mel! It’s brilliant!” Triumph mixed with the Irish accent. Jumping up with far more enthusiasm than before, the redhead sprinted off to her room to prepare herself in an outfit that would swoon any boy.
Or girl – but she hadn’t paid attention to that thought.


Click, click, click, click, click…
Her boots were loud as she stomped up the concrete stairs of her apartment building. The brunette shivered – Damn, it was cold.
Outside, small flurries of snow began to drift from the luminous sky. Dark clouds rolled and shivered, turning the city dark.
Mel opened the door on her floor with a bit of trouble. In her arms were two grocery bags filled with ingredients for the food she was preparing to make. The woman couldn’t help the silly grin that spread on her features, looking down at the tile floor as she tread to her door.
She realized she was getting over excited, but still… She hadn’t really… spoken with the redhead. Ever. She had just watched her sleep.
…. Well that didn’t sound creepy.
Shaking her head, she strategically unlocked the door and shoved it open with her shoulder. “Umph,” Groaning as she placed the heavy bags on the counter.
Glancing around… The apartment was empty.
The brunette’s face fell a little, but inside her head a voice said, “You see? Definitely shouldn’t have gotten so excited…”
“Hush, you.” She said aloud, trailing off as she noticed a green sticky note on the refrigerator.
I had a previous thing planned,
but I’ll be finished by eight.
Late dinner it is? :)
- Norah

Staring dumbfounded at the note momentarily, Melodie just kind of stood there… There was still a chance for them to meet.
“H’okay!” She shouted, getting a determined face. “Time to make dinner!” And attacked the grocery bags viciously.


A chill still ran through the redhead, though she had long ago escaped the crisp air of the outside city, and retreated into a warm café. Shivers running through her body, glancing over to her significant other as if to hint to him that she was cold, and needed to be warmed up.
But he wasn’t paying attention.
Using wide arm motions, and with more enthusiasm than the Irish woman had seen him have before, he explained in great detail, how he got the scar on his arm.
She had heard the story before, of course.
It wasn’t exactly a small scar – scuba diving accident.
But he didn’t tell it with such zeal, with such excitement when he explained it to her.
An annoyed ‘huff,’ glancing at her watch. It had been an hour since they went out, and the wide-eyed brunette was inching closer and closer to Andrew.
A sharp look from Norah, the ideas of leaving and going back to the apartment before it got to late was suddenly brushed aside. Draping herself over Andrew, his arm instinctively went around her as he continued his story without even acknowledging what she had just done.
The brunette’s eyebrows raised, she turned away swiftly.
Norah grinned – she had won this time.
Mel was going to have to wait; she needed to claim her territory. No matter how long that took.


Heels clicked upon the concrete stairs loudly, a ghastly cold drifted through the staircase leading up to the floors of the apartment.
The redhead was already out of breath from rushing herself up the stairs. It was past midnight – how had she lost track of time so quickly?
They were out to dinner, then they went walking around the city… Then someone suggested to go ice skating, and it was all gone from there.
Gasping for breath at the top, Norah paused to collect herself before pushing through her bag to find the small key ring.
The door opened, stepping through, the heels still making noise against the hardwood floors. The smell of rich Italian food hung in the air, the Irish woman inhaling deeply. Glancing around the room, she expected to see someone there, sitting at the counter, or perhaps still at the stove cooking.
But that was absurd. She was hours late…
A single, green sticky note catching her eye. Sitting atop containers filled with the food the woman had prepared;
I have something to
do in the morning, sorry.
Maybe some other time.

So she stood her up, there were other chances to meet and chat… right? It wasn’t the end of the world since she didn’t make it this one time…

So then, what was this sudden weight in her chest, making it hard to breathe?
♠ ♠ ♠

*grovels at the feet of the readers*


Sorryyy... >.>