Wakko Werewolves 3: Lost


I walked into the Rehabilitation Center and turned to the desk to see that there was a new guy working there. Maybe the old one quit after meeting me.

I stopped to talk to them.

"May I go on back to see Kyle?" I asked.

"You're a friend of his right?" the guy behind the desk asked.

"Cassandra." I said and nodded.

"Okay, he's in a new room. Second floor room 26." he said.

"Do you know why he changed rooms?" I asked.

"Seems like he got out of his room. I'm not sure, I just started today." he said.

"Thank you." I said walking into the room.

I walked down the hall and gasped. I could see the claw marks on the wall and the blood as the janitors cleaned down the walls. Did Kyle do this? I could smell that the blood was fresh actually this must've happened just last night during the full moon. Kyle couldn't have done this? I saw them as they strapped him down. I opened the doors to the stairs and ran up the stairs and opened the door to the second floor section of the hospital. It was kind of dark and it felt more like walking in a haunted jail than a mental ward or maybe that's what a mental ward was.

I found room 26 and opened the door. No one stopped me or harrassed me. I inhaled Kyle was in here. It was dark. I reached for the light.

"Don't turn it on." he growled.

I didn't touch the light and closed the door back.

My eyes glowed red and I looked for him. I saw his red hot glowing body.

"What happened?" I asked him stepping towards him. There was a small light in the corner and all I could see was his feet.

"It was so fun." he said.

I looked up to him and saw his face. He was still inbetween changes. His ears were pointed and he had corse fur around his face. I couldn't see his mouth or nose because they put something that looked like a hockey mask around it.

"Kyle what did you do?" I asked him.

"I didn't do anything. I was tied up in my room minding my own business when Tyler came and untied me." he said I could hear a smile in his voice.

"How Tyler was with me last nigh..." I said and stopped.

His eyes grew wide.

"He came just after you left. He attacked two doctors and then kicked down my door. He untied me and it was the most fun I ever had." he said.

"Kyle no that's bad." I said holding his cheek petting his fur.

He smiled.

"It was fun for me it should've been even more fun for you. I miss you so much." he said as his fur disappeared and he changed back.

"I miss you too." I said rubbing his cheek.

"If I was free I would just touch you all over." he said and smiled.

I rubbed his hair.

"Did Tyler tell you anything after letting you go?" I asked him.

"Just to have fun and he'll be back. I think he's going to try to break me out." he said.

I frowned.

"You have to stay here, it's safe." I said to him.

"Being tied up I feel like a hostage." he said.

My stomach dropped. His words stung me like a jelly fish. I knew exactly how he felt being with my parents.

"I know." I said feeling ashamed for saying that.

"I'm a person not an animal... well you know what I mean. I don't belong in a cage. I belong to be free like you and Tyler. No one understands that here." Kyle said.

My phone vibrated I pulled it out and saw my mom's number.

I looked back at Kyle.

"I have to go home." I said sadly.

"Lucky you." he said and sighed.

I bit my bottom lip and leaned in and kissed his lips. I licked the roof of his mouth before pulling away. He looked at me eyes glowing red.

"I love you." I said to him.

"I love you too." he said licking his lips.

I backed away. His face disappearing in the dark. I walked out and closed the door behind me.

My stomach did different twists just because of that little kiss with Kyle. I licked my lips. The worst thing about it. I think I tasted blood.