Finding the Heart

Somewhere In The Middle

Morning light shines through the windows, warmly pulling me from my confusing dream. What was it even about now? I don’t know. Right and wrong, black and white, good and evil. How strange. Rubbing my eyes, still in a haze, I turn to find my companion gone…I guess he got what he wanted… They’re all the same. So why do I keep going back? Yawning, I roll out of bed, stretching out my stiff, sore body and beginning the hunt for clothing.
“Oh, you’re up.” His smooth voice alarms me, making me jump out of my skin. He leans against the doorway, smirking in all his shirtless, sexy god glory.
“Jesus Toshi! You scared the shit outta me!!!” I squeal clutching my bare chest, that he’s eyeing quite familiarly.
“Sorry.” He smiles innocently, taking a sip of coffee. Mm…coffee would be nice right now. He seems to catch on and, surprisingly, offers me the mug. “So did you sleep well sleepyhead?” He smirks, waltzing closer and placing a kiss on my forehead, making me blush like mad.
“Eh, it was okay.” I smile up at him.
“You were muttering up a storm.” He teases, stealing the coffee cup back from my grasp and returning it to his lips.
“Oops.” I giggle. He only rolls his eyes, turning back to the bed and crawling in, patting the spot beside him. He looks so incredibly comfortable right now. I could just take him all over again. Last night may not have been one of my greatest judgments, but it sure as hell was a fun one. Teehee.
“Get your sexy ass over here Kikki!” Toshiya demands, a smirk on his lying angel face.
“Okay okay!” I sigh plopping down beside him noticing the way his lustful gaze skims all over me. “Didn’t you get enough last night?” I smirk.
“You can never have enough dessert.” He retorts, inching closer and closer to me, his skillful fingers traveling up my thigh making me shiver in pleasure. But I can’t do this. Not again. I don’t want him to get the wrong impression of me…last night was just…weakness. I’m stronger than this. I won’t let him dominate me again, no matter how badly I want him to.
“I’ve got to get going Toshi.” I pout moving my legs away from him. He frowns, looking slightly pissed.
“Home…I’ve got a decision to make.” I mutter playing with my hands. I hadn’t even noticed how brutally I’d been shaking.
“…I hope it’s the right one.” He replies, pulling me by my chin to face him. His look isn’t one of malice, or sadness…it’s serene, calming, hopeful…I can’t stand to hurt either of them. Ugh, what the hell have I done?
“…I hope so to.” I whimper, loving the feeling of his lips crashing into mine in a dance of their own. Both of these men make me feel so weightless…but I can’t have both.
“I’m home…” I grumble trudging through the front door. Of course the first thing I see is Nao sleeping in a sitting position on the recliner. Sigh. “Nao…please don’t tell me you actually fell asleep like that again?” I mutter shaking the uncomfortable looking man awake. He quickly shoots up, staring at me through droopy lids, drool in the corners of his mouth…no matter how hard I try…I can’t not laugh. “Nao…good lord you look like you’ve awakened after a 100 year sleep…and not the best one!” I giggle. He only rolls his bloodshot eyes, falling back into his chair.
“God I wish.” He yawns. I catch him studying me momentarily…a look of worry, anger, disappointment, and betrayal written in his features. I’m such scum…
“Come on Nao, let’s get you to bed…you must’ve been up all night.” I whisper helping the partially sleeping man to his feet.
“I wanted to make sure you were safe.” He murmurs sadly. And with that, my decision had been made. I can’t hurt either of them, and I can’t love just one…because what’s good without evil? Everyone needs both…I can’t choose between my angel and demon…
What I need is somewhere in the middle.
“Coming!” I exclaim hearing a knock sound at the door, quickly rushing to it, flinging it open, only to blush madly at the source. It’s been several weeks since I broke the news to them both…since I made my decision.
“Hey…” I smile.
“Hey.” He grins back, making my heart flutter. “Nao home? We’ve got practice.”
“Oh, yeah…he’s asleep. Let me go get him. Come on in Shou.” I call, skittering to Nao’s room.
You know, I guess in the end, you don’t always get what you’d expected.

-The End-
