Tales From Another Broken Home


*Gerard’s POV*

“Gerard?” Frank questioned me.

“Mmmm?” I replied absentmindedly.

“She, she is ok? Isn’t she?” he asked.

I sighed and looked at the un-kept front porch. Charlie used to clean the porch, I never bothered, it’s just going to get dirty again and-

“Gerard?” Frank called interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at him holding back tears. How can I tell him this? How?

“I-I don’t know,” I answered truthfully “When I asked if I could go see her, the guy said no yet. So I asked why and he said he’d explain it all when I got there later.” I recited.

Frank looked up at the sky then broke down in tears.

This kind of shocked me, he hadn’t cried like this in a while. But then it’s to be expected.

I pulled him into a hug and he pulled away trying to stifle his sobs.

“I’m s-sorry Gee, it’s just, its so, so,” he choked back another sob.

I stood up and pulled Frank into the house, sitting him down on the couch with me and letting him cry into my chest as I rubbed his back comfortingly.

I guess now is my time to repay him for all the nights he let me cry to him.

After he calmed down he smiled gratefully at me.

“I’m sorry Gee, it’s just, so hard y’know? So much to take in. and the very thought of her being….gone…..it scares me,” he admitted looking at the floor.

“I know Frankie, but we’ll get through this together.” I told him truthfully.

That’s what Charlie said to me.

We’ll get through it, together. But we aren’t together, not anymore.

And soon Mikey will marry Alicia and they’ll get through things together, and Frank and Jamia.

There’ll be no need for me soon. Everyone will have someone to get through it with.

Fuck! Frank was supposed to be picking up Jamia!

“Frankie, you got to go and get Mia soon.” I gently reminded him.

“No, she’s not coming over anymore, something came up at work.” He muttered wiping tears from his cheeks.

“Do you, do you want to come see Charlie with me then?” I asked, partly because I knew he’d want to and partly because I don’t want to do this alone.

He smiled a weak smile and nodded at me.

“When can we go see her?” I asked.

“When they call, that’s what the cop said; he’ll call us as soon as we can see her.” I replied.

Frank nodded and settled back into the couch sighing heavily.

“It wasn’t supposed to be this way Gee, life wasn’t meant to be this hard….this painful…….” Frank said, bursting into tears again.