Tales From Another Broken Home


“This is fucking ridiculous, go on Gee, go down there they can’t make you wait round like this!” Mikey raged.

He’d come over to watch the kids for me while Frank and I went to visit Charlie and seeing as we didn’t know when they would call he came over as soon as I called him.

I looked at Frank to see what he thought; he shrugged his shoulders at me and mumbled “It can’t hurt,”

I nodded and pulled on my leather jacket.

“Thanks for doing this Mikes, I’ll call you as soon as I have some info,” I told him grabbing my keys and heading out the door after Frank.

“Look, you called us at 7.30 this evening, it’s now 11, and we want to see her!” Frank fumed at the woman behind the desk.

“I’m sorry sirs but I can’t let you in yet,” the woman told us.

“I don’t give a shit!” Frank shouted.

All the commotion we caused made a cop come over to us. I read his name tag. “Dillon”

“Officer Dillon? I’m Gerard Way; you called me earlier about my wife, Charlie Way?” I politely explained.

“Ahh yes Mr Way, sorry for any inconvenience, but we really can’t let you see her yet, we’re not sure if she’s in the right state to see people.” He told me regretfully

“But she’s alive, right?” Frank asked anxiously.

“Yes, she’s fine, but we really aren’t allowed to let-” he began.

“Please, she’ll want to see us, please.” I begged him.

He sighed but nodded “follow me please.” He said leading the way.

We followed him down a long plain corridor full of closed doors until finally he stopped outside one of the many rooms.

“Prepare yourselves sirs, she might not want to see you, and from the picture you gave us I can honestly say she doesn’t look the same.” He warned us.

Frank and I nodded in response as he pushed the door open. I hadn’t realised I’d had my eyes closed or that I was holding my breath until I heard Frank gasp.

I looked at him then in the direction he was looking.

And what I saw scared the hell out of me……