Tales From Another Broken Home


“Oh erm, I was just…..erm……y’know, muttering to myself, as you do,” she “laughed”.

I mean really, she can’t seriously think I’m gonna believe that was a real laugh can she?

I smiled at her but I was mentally battling with myself whether or not to let her know I know she’s lying or just pretend I believe her and forget about it.

Either can have an extremely bad outcome

“Frank?” she asked waving a hand in front of my face.

“Huh? What?” I asked blinking a few times.

“You zoned out there babe,” she laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs.

*time elapse*

“Awww, Frankie they didn’t ask you to be an elf this year!” Charlie giggled as we walked into the house.

“Fuck you!” I muttered only to be slapped by Elena

“That’s bad words unkie fwankie!” she scolded me

Charlie and Gerard cracked up laughing while I got down on me knees begging her for forgiveness while she crossed her arms and stuck her nose up in the air.

“Just like you’re god damn mother you!” I joked grabbing Elena off the floor and swinging her over my shoulder.

“Uh! Rude!” Charlie stated doing exactly the same thing as Elena did.

“Point proven right there!” I pointed out, much to her displeasure.

“Oh, go die in a hole,” she mutter jokingly

“I might just do that!” I fake huffed strutting off with Elena still over my shoulder.

“Noooooo! Don’t take my baby!!” she cried dramatically running after me while Gerard continued to die of laughter this time being joined by Mark.

It’s strange how Charlie can seem so fine, I mean if you didn’t know about her problems already you wouldn’t know she was ill, hell, I wonder if she really is still ill sometimes, I thought she was fine until this morning.

Shit, this morning, that wasn’t normal.

But what do I do? If I tell her I know she might have a relapse, but if I don’t she could have a relapse. Neither seems to be the better option right now.

But I have to choose one; I just hope I can make the right decision.

And get a good outcome……