Tales From Another Broken Home


*the night before*

*Franks POV*

“Charlie! Charlie please, come back! Come on don’t be stupid we need to talk about this! CHARLIE!” I called after her.

But it was no use; the next thing I heard was her shouting down to Gerard that she was going to bed.

I have to tell him. I have to.

He has a right to know when his own wife is hearing voices in her head!

And anyway he’d never send her away, I don’t know where she got that idea from…..ok so maybe it was because he agreed to put her in that hospital before, but she was really ill then! I mean, we can all see she’s made a really good recovery, and this is just….its like a….I don’t know!

It’s a smudge on her new record or something.

It’s something she can get over without going into hospital again that’s for sure; people have this sort of thing all the time right?

I sighed to myself and rubbed my temples thinking this all through again.

I think I did the right thing letting Charlie know I know, because now she has support she can turn to where as before she was battling alone.

So if I made the right decision there I’m making the right one now…..I think…..

I got up off the bed and trudged down the stairs, I didn’t want to do this. But I knew I had to. For Charlie’s sake.

But am I doing it for Charlie? I thought when I told her about Eliza I did it for her but it turns out I did it to get back at Gerard.

Yeah I’ve realised that now.

Oh god. What am I doing?! I can’t tell him this! He wouldn’t be able to take it!

Maybe I should just leave him in his little bubble thinking everything is perfect? That would be better for him.

But would it be better for Charlie?

No. I have to tell him. End of.

I think…..