Tales From Another Broken Home


“Morning guys, Merry Christmas,” Gerard yawned

“Morning daddy! Merry Christmas!” Mark squealed, handing Gerard a cup of coffee.

Both he and I giggled at this, knowing it was the kid’s way of getting to open their presents faster.

Little over ten minuets later Gerard had gulped down his coffee and we were now sitting in the lounge room watching the kids open their gifts.

“Open it then babe” Frank laughed pointing his new video camera at Elena while she simply stared at a box that was bigger then her. She shook her head and went running over to Gerard, settling in his lap and burying her face in his chest.

“Come on Elena! You can’t be scared of Uncle Frankie’s present, it won’t bite!” he giggled at her.

“Nope, it’s a nice one, promise,” Frank laughed.

Slowly she got out of Gerard’s lap and returned to the box, tearing away the wrapping paper cautiously.

She squealed in delight and ran over to Frank, giving him a huge hug and tons of sloppy kisses to his cheeks.

“Look mommy! It’s a pony!! Unkie Fwankie gotted me a pony!!!” she continued to squeal.

“Oh wow! And look Elena! It rocks too!” I pointed out.

She squealed more and set about opening the box so she could play with it, while Mark stared at his gift from Frank.

“Come on, you’re not telling me you’re scared of what I brought you too are you?” Frank questioned him, a look of disbelief on his face.

“No, I’m not,” Mark answered “I’m trying to work out what it is,” he grinned.

“Well if you opened it you’d find out faster!” Frank smirked at him.

Mark nodded and unwrapped the box, opening it as soon as the paper was off.

When he saw its contents his eyes lit up and his mouth fell into a perfect “o” shape.

“Its- it’s a guitar….just like pansy!! Oh wow!! Uncle Frankie this is amazing!!” he shrieked running over to Frank and hugging him.

Mark had always loved pansy, even when he was small, and needless to say he was upset like Frank when she was broken.
A few months ago Mark convinced Frank to teach him how to play the guitar and he’s been even more in-love with them ever since.

Everyone opened their gifts but I don’t think the ones we got the kids when down nearly as well as Franks had. He spoils them something chronic. But it’s sweet really.

We had gotten Mark the rest of the stuff he needed to play his guitar – you know amps straps ect Frank had told us what he was going to get him and we said we’d buy all the other stuff – and he was now sitting in the corner of the room playing what Frank had taught him while Frankie filmed him.

Although today was going perfect I knew it wouldn’t last. Sooner or later my little…..problem…..was going to make a re-appearance, and Gerard would find out.

I can’t help but think this way.

I mean, it’s the story of our lives, something goes good and then it all goes to shit.

I just hope the good outlast the bad for a little while longer.