Tales From Another Broken Home


*Gerard’s POV*

“Why didn’t you tell me?!”.

“Because it would have ruined everything!”.

“Don’t you think I would have liked to have known?”.

“Of course I do but I couldn’t tell you! It would have spoilt everything Frank and I had worked out!”.

“So Frank knew? Frank knew and no one thought to tell me?!”.

“We wanted to surprise you Charlie! Even Gerard knew!”.

“Oh my god Lolly! I cannot believe this! I’m so fucking glad you’re here!!!” Charlie squealed.

Lolly had come over to spend some time with us. Only we didn’t tell Charlie, we wanted to surprise her.

She’s been so down lately that I just wanted to cheer her up and I knew seeing Lolly would, it always does.

It hurts to know there will always be times when I won’t be enough to cheer Charlie up, it hurts to know that there will always be times I’ll have to ask Frank or Lolly for help, when truthfully I don’t want to.

As selfish as it is I want to be all she needs and I never will be.

But those are the facts of life, and as long as Charlie’s happy, I’m happy.

She came racing into the lounge room and launched herself at me hugging me tightly and showering my face in kisses finally ending with pecking my lips a few times.

“I can’t believe you did this for me! Oh Gerard! Thank you so much!”.

“Hey it wasn’t just me that thought this would be a good idea! Lolly and Frank thought so too!” I giggled hugging her back

“I can’t believe she’s here! I missed her so much and now she’s here! And little Lizzy to! Have you seen how big she’s gotten? She’s huge! Lolly said she’s walking and talking and everything now! I can’t believe we missed out on all that, I mean she is our god child! We should visit more often!” she rambled in excitement.

“I’m glad you’re happy babe, now, go catch up with Lolly, I’m sure you too have a lot to talk about huh?” I asked

She nodded and hugged me again before hurrying back into the kitchen to Lolly.

Sighing, I settled myself back into the couch cushions. I sighed to myself again and closed my eyes for a moment.

I was feeling a little down today, I don’t really know why, I put it down to Christmas being over now, seeing as it was the 29th today no one was really in the festive mood anymore. But I don’t think it’s that.

Frank came into the room and looked at me curiously before sitting down in my lap.

In my fucking lap

“Get off!” I moaned pushing at him, but that only resulted in him looping his arms round my neck and hanging on tightly.

I gave into defeat and just let him sit there.

“What’s up Gee? You seem really down” he asked concern shining in his eyes.

“To be honest Frankie I don’t even know myself,” I replied truthfully.

“Come on Gee, you must have some idea?” he pushed gently

I sighed and told him the only thing I could think of that could have caused this.

“Well, I think, maybe it’s because when Charlie first came back she needed me so much, I was her world, a hug from me was all it took to cheer her up but now she’s getting better she doesn’t need me as much anymore, and now she’s starting to need other people. And I understand that, its natural, I just, I feel useless now, like if I cant help her what good am I?” I spilled to him

“Oh Gerard!” he sighed “You’re a lot of good to her, she loves you, she’d fall apart without you, you know that!” he reassured me

“Thanks Frankie!” I smiled feeling a whole lot better “What do you say we go gate crash their little party?” I smirked.