Tales From Another Broken Home


“Dude, A, don’t teach my daughter to say cuss words at three,” I said playfully slapping Frank round the head “And B what’s the important news?” I questioned.

“Normally I’d with hold the info because of that uncalled for bitch slap, but I’m not that heartless.” Frank said smirking at me.

But his smirk quickly faded.

“Someone said they saw Charlie last night,” he whispered.

I swear to god my heart stopped right then.

“Wh-what?!" I asked.

“Someone reported to the front desk that they saw the girl “Charlie Way” from the news, being escorted and shoved into a car in the early hours of this morning,” he said looking slightly sad.

“Have they found her?” I questioned, dreading the answer.

“Not yet, sorry man, the hotel dude rang the cops and they interviewed the lady that saw it happen, but she didn’t get a good look at the car or its licence plate…..but their going through surveillance footage as we speak,” he explained.

This is way too much information to process.

Way too much.

“Why didn’t they call me and let me know!?” I asked slightly pissed.

“They tried, you didn’t answer you’re phone so the called me.” Frank explained.

I sat on the bed and stared at the blank wall in front of me for a minuet trying to collect my thoughts.

“So that wasn’t a dream….” I muttered.

“What wasn’t?” Mikey questioned.

I looked round to see four pairs of eyes, all on me.

Fuck….I said that aloud didn’t I…..

“Well, last night….after Mikey left my room…I don’t know, I was sat on the couch and then there was a knock at the door so I answered it and it was her,” I explained.

I proceeded to tell them all the events that took place last night. Everyone looked just as shocked as I felt.

“Then I woke up this morning and I was back on the couch, Charlie nowhere to be seen,” I continued.

“Dude, you have to report that,” Bob stated “I mean, if she was there…” he trailed off.

“What difference would it make?” I questioned.

“Well, they might find fingerprints or something. You know, some proof it was actually Charlie that was seen getting into the car,” he elaborated.

“You’re right,” I sighed “But what if they don’t find anything? Or what if they do and they think this is all me?” I rambled.

“Gee calm down; they won’t think it’s you!” Ray said patting me on the shoulder.

“But you don’t know that!” I panicked.

“Neither do you! Look we need to get this done as quickly as possible if we want the cops to have any hope of finding her!” Ray said.

I nodded in agreement and Frank left the room to get someone to interview me.

Man this is going to be a long painful day…..