Tales From Another Broken Home


“Can you tell me again you’re description of the events that took place last night for the records Mr. Way?” the officer asked.

Ok this is ridiculous.

I’ve told three people what happened last night already and now I have to say it again so they can record it.

I sighed but answered their question all the same.

“My brother had come round to tell me about him setting a date for his wedding, after he left I was a bit upset so I sat on the couch in the hotel room and cried,” I told them.

I felt a bit embarrassed admitting that but they asked me to tell them everything.

“After a while there was a knock at the door, I composed myself and wiped my face of tears before answering. When I did Charlie was stood there, I asked if it was her and she said “hello” I hugged her then I pulled her into the room before asking where she had been but she said it didn’t matter. I didn’t want to cause an argument so I left the subject. We kissed I told her I missed her and she said to me “I miss you too” I asked her if she meant missed and she shook her head at me then kissed me again and made us both lay on the bed. Then she said goodnight I said goodnight back and fell asleep, I woke up in the morning to my daughter shouting at me, I was back on the couch and she'd gone, I then thought it was only a dream until I heard about someone seeing her that night. My friends were the ones who told me about that and convinced me to tell you this encase it wasn’t just a dream.” I explained

“Thank you Mr Way. Can you please state you’re friend’s names?” the officer asked.

“Frank Iero Robert Bryar my brother Michael Way and Raymond Ortiz or Ray Toro as he’s known to most people.” I listed.

“Thank you Mr Way. Interview terminated 5.24 pm.” The cop said pushing down the stop button on the recorder.


Shit I’ve been here a while!

“You’re free to go,” he smiled at me.

I thanked him and left to go back to the hotel.

And got welcomed by forensics in my hotel room……