A Series of Unfortunate Events

Part Two

I broke away from the kiss and lent my forehead against hers and stared lovingly into her eyes.
She smiled at me.

For a year now, I've known.
For a year now, I've labeled myself as 'Lesbian'.

Well, I guess I've always known.
I've never really 'liked' boys…
I was always catching myself checking girls out.
It scared me at first.
But then I realized that it's just as normal as being straight…

I stared hard into my girlfriends eyes.
And she stared back, before she closed them yet again and pressed her lips up against mine.
I smiled.
She was perfect.

She broke away from the kiss first.
We sat there in silence for a while, legs crossed and our knees touching.

"You know, you need to tell your mum."

I almost chocked.
Tell my mum?
My mum would freak.
My mum would hate me.
My mum would disown me.

"But… you know what my mum's like..." I half laughed, "you can't be serious."

She looked dead serious.

"Come on, babe. You've been saying for over two months now that you would tell her."

I nodded.
Two month ago, I had promised her.
I had now been dating Ellie now for six months.
She's the only girlfriend I've had.
She was my first kiss.
She was my first everything, really.

I nodded.
I can't believe it.
I was going to tell my mum.
I had put it off for a year now.
And it was finally going to come out.

"You will?" Her face lit up.

I nodded, again.
Swallowing that lump forming in my throat.

"I'll come with you, if you want?"

I shook my head.
There was no need for that.
My mum didn't need to know who I was dating.
My mum didn't need to have to hate her too.

"Nah," I waved it off.

I walked in through the front door.
Again, swallowing the lump.

"Hey, honey. Have fun at Ellie's?"

She only knew Ellie.
Ellie was a 'friend' of mine.
Ellie was only a 'friend' in my mum's eyes.

"Erm, there's something I need to tell you… about that...”

My mum looked up at me.
Concern filling her eyes.

"Did you two have a fight?"

I almost laughed.
It was the complete opposite.

"No, no! Erm... I – I'm d-dating Ellie…"

I cringed.
Waiting for something.

I opened my eyes slowly.
My mum's laughter filled the air.

"You're joking – right?"

I was angry.
Furious, in fact.
How could she think I was joking!

"No mum! I'm a fucking lesbian, alright!" I practically shrieked.

Her laughter stopped and her face crossed.
She was mad.
Oh, so mad.

"A lesbian?" She spat. "A lesbian?"

I nodded.
A lesbian.

"Get out of my house. Now."

I gaped.

"You heard me, GET OUT! I will not be having spawn of the devil living under my roof. Get out now."

I am the girl kicked out of her own home because she confided in her mother that she was a lesbian.

-Part Two complete