Forbidden Angel

A strange comfort

I was smiling as i followed Jason to his house. Even though i felt angry towards him; He wouldn't let Angel ride with me. Even though she asked too. I re-played the look on Jodi's face when Angel asked me if she could ride with me and i grinned and replied 'yeah', trying to destinguish what it meant. I felt so happy she asked. It would have been so much fun if she was in the car. I was listening to my favourate songs on the way back and made a mental note to ask Angel what type of music she likes. I pulled up outside Jasons house and sat in the car as they walked in. It made me smile when Angel looked towards my car for me. She walked inside and then the door closed. I jumped out of the car and locked it before running up the path to the house. I shook my head and knocked on the door. It opened quickly to reveal....... noone.
"Hello?" I said sounding confused.
"You coming in or what?" Jasons voice came from around the corner. I walked into the house to see Jason walking into the livingroom. I started walking into the living room when i glanced to the stairs. Someone was running down them. My breathe caught in my throat when i saw her leap off the third step from the bottom. I instinctivly reached out to catch her as she stumbled. I caught her around the waist and she fell into my chest. Her hands where pressed gently against my chest and she looked up at me smiling. I laughed.
"Thanks." She whispered and im sure she blushed. I felt instantly happier. I grinned at her as she tried to get up. I didn't want to let her go but immediatly stepped back and cleared my throat nervously as Her mother walked into the hall.
"Hey Leo." She said sweetly as she started up the stairs. I nodded to her and then glanced at Angel, who was staring at the floor smiling. She looked amazing. I mean yeah, she was only wearing a tracksuit and strap top. But it clung to her body beautifully. I swallowed nervously and reluctantly turned into the living room, continually glancing back at Angel who was following me smiling.
Everyone was in there. Jason sat on the far chair and Stuart sat on the chair closest to the hall. In the middle of the chairs was a sofa. Danial was setting up the DVD player so i walked over to the Sofa and sat on the far left cussion. I tried not to smile as Angel climbed on next to me, our arms pressed against eachother. I can't help it if she touches me. I tried not to make it too obvious that i was happy she was sitting by me. Danial finally pressed play and turned off the lgihts. He then came and sat next to Angel. I felt myself shift closer to her. Making sure she was closer to me than Danial. And then, i glanced quickly at him. I felt something in myself. I dont know what it is, or why i feel it. I've never felt this feeling before. This is rediculous. I shook my head.
I leant towards Jason and whispered "Since when do we watch movies?" He grinned and turned to me.
"It's just untill my mother goes out. After that, were going to a party!" He grinned mischifusly at me. i laughed and turned back to the film. Titanic. What a load of rubbish.
"Great choice Dan." I said sarcastically. He smiled and poked his tounge out at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the film. To be honest, i really didn't care what was on. I was too preocupied with the feeling i was getting as Angel leant into me. I took a deep shakey breath to relax myself and reach both my arms on the back of the sofa as i slouched, resting my head on the back as i looked up at the ceiling. Angel shifted next to me and i looked up to see her moving a cussion and putting it on my lap. She grinned up at me and then lyed down and put her head on the cussion as she faced the TV. I stared at her, mouth open. She had her hand on my leg and i could feel her breathe. Wow. If this was anyother girl i would have made a move by now. It felt different though. I didn't want to make a move. Not unless she wanted me too. Stuff it, i thuaght. It wont hurt just to touch her. I pulled my right arm off the back of the sofa and placed it softly on her waist. I watched her expression to check to see if she didn't like it and i felt a huge grin spread across my face as i saw her smile. I glanced at Jason to see if he was glaring at me again. He certainly would kill me if he saw this. I could feel something between us. It felt almost unbearable to not be able to touch her properly. Her body rising and falling as my hand rest on her waist. I resisted the urge to rap both my arms around her and bring her close to my body and consuntrated hard on the movie.
I don't know how much time passed but i suddenly jumped as she gripped my hand and pulled it around her so that my arm was wrapped around her body. I wanted to yell with happiness as i felt her small hand held in mine. My arm wrapped around her body. She felt safe in my arms. She wanted me to protect her. And to my suprise; I wanted to protect her. I wanted her to be in my arms.
I decided to test it, see if she actually did want me to hold her. I slouched further and sqeezed her closer to me. She smiled again and snuggled up to me. I grinned happily but then glanced quickly at Jason who, thank goodness was ingrosed in the film. I then turned nervously to Stuart who, again, was ingrosed in the film. I turned to see Danial with his head resting on the back of the sofa. Drool dribbling from the corner of his opened mouth. I chuckled quietly, trying not to make a sound and wake him.
"What?" I heard Angel whisper. I turned to look at her as she looked up at me. Her blue eyes glistening in the light from the TV. I smiled and nodded my head to Danial. I felt her shake with silent laughter and watched her. She looked wounderfull when she laughed. She looked bright and eligant. I felt happiness wash over me as i watched her smile. It made me feel happy to know she was happy. She snuggled up to me again and turned back to the film, with the occasional chuckle as Dan snored.
It was near the end of the film, throughout it I watched her. Yeah, i know. What a freak.... But she was so much more entertaining to watch than the film. I leant over as i saw a tear trickle down her cheek. I couldn't hold in the laugh and ended up covering my mouth to try and hide it. She turned to look at me as i shook with laughter.
"What?" She said glaring "This isn't funny. He dies!" She said sounding so offended it sent me off into even more laughter. She hit me playfully on the chest and i turned to look at her. I leant my head down so that it was next to her ear. Im sure she could feel the pounding of my heart as i closed the gap between us. It took all of my effort to stop my voice from shaking and i only just noticed her hold her breathe.
"Your crying over a film." I whispered and then strated laughing again. It felt so easy to laugh around her.
"Shut up Leo im watching the bloody film." Stuart whispered from acroos the room. I turned to see him glaring at me so i shrugged and turned back to Angel.
She turned and poked her tounge out at me, making me grin and chuckle again.
"Just 'cause you have no heart." She mumbled and then turned back to watch the end of the film. I chuckled even more at her and pulled her towards my body so that we where pressed close together our bodies touching..

I watched her untill the film ended and Danial got up and turned the lights on. He then turned to look at us as Angel shot up into a sitting position. We both stood up guiltily and i turned to see Danial looking from me to her with his eye brow raised. She turned to look at me and we both grinned before i turned to see Jason walking over to us. He had a grin on his face. He walked over to Angel and put his hand on her shoulder.
"Don't be up to late." He mumbled and then pushed her back playfully as he walked over to the door.
"What!" She screamed and ran after him. I jogged after, no doubt my face showed how gutted i was. It'd be funner if she was there.
"Isn't she comeing?" I asked as we got to his side. He opened the door and then turned to me and frowned.
"No!" He said as he glared at me. Angel slapped his arm so that he'd look at her and then she folded her arms across her chest.
"And why not?" She asked angrily. Jason put on a concentrating face as he tried to think of an excuse.
"Because your too young." he said and then turned to walk to the car. I reluctantly followed, glancing back to Angel who stood at the door glaring at Jasons back. I walked over to my car and got in as they pulled out. I skipped through my songs to find one to get me in the party mood. I jumped and yelled when the passenger door opened and then grinned. Angel climbed in, now wearing a pink strap t-shirt and short pink skirt. She got in and pulled on her seat belt as i watched her, smiling like an idiot. I was over whelmed with the emotions she made me feel. I was extatic at the fact she was comeing to the party. Once she was settled she turned to me and pointed at me. I looked from her finger to her face. She looked serious.
"Im coming!" She said sternly. I laughed at her trying to sound strong. I laughed and turned to the front of the car as i pulled out onto the road.
"Wouldn't have it any other way darling." I said. I turned to look at her. She was smiling and in the faint light from the street lights that passed i could see her blushing. I laughed and then pressed play. Angel gasped making me glance at her.
"Go: Audio, made up stories?" She asked sounding shocked. I turned to look at her confused. She knew them?
"Yeah. I wanted something to get me in the party mood." I whispered, just as shocked when she started singing along to the words.
"You like them?" I asked as we pulled onto the street with the party. I could see the lights flashing further down so i slowed the car.
" I love them!" She shouted. I turned to her and we both stared at eachother and then started laughing lightly. I pulled to a stop and got out the car. Jason and the others stood at the back door waiting for me. Now accompanied by Jodi, Stacey and Lily. Who besides Jodi where smiling at me as they tried to be seductive. I rolled my eyes as i grinned and turned my head around to see Angel walking around to my side of the car. I laughed at her smug expression and turned back to Jason. Who was now storming over to us. I walked to Angels side, feeling bad now that she looked worried.
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Thrid is up :)
Sorry about spelling mistakes etc.
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and tell me so i can go through them.