Green Day's Grammy Adventure

Back To the Blackness And the Light

Mike’s POV

I woke up with a jolt. The ship made a big turn. I was still seeing everything black. Could I be blind? I shivered. No, I can’t be. I closed my eyes and opened them again.
Light! I’m not blind! A wave of light was moving from one side of the place to another and finally stopped on me.

“Well well well. Look who’s here,” a woman’s voice spoke. “A visitor.”

Wait a minute you jackass, I thought, I didn’t want to pay a visit, so fuck off and die. I wanted to say it loud, but I stayed silent.

“Tut tut tut, didn’t your mommy teach you to say something polite when you meet someone new?”

Yeah, if someone pisses you off you kick his ass badly. I wished I could do that. My hands were tied up on my back and she was keeping me in check. I didn’t even know why I was there. My first words were simple. “Fuck you.”

Fuck you? That’s a good beginning.” Click. I saw the person’s hand rising. “For someone who’s tactless.”

There was a silent tzzip – and I felt something sharp hit my arm. “Goodnight.”

“You fucker!” I angrily said. “What are you doing, putting me to… sleep?! Let me… go! Let… me… damn…”

Before the blackness hit me again, my mind popped the question. I wonder what Billie and Tre are doing.

Tre’s POV

Man, this place is kinda cool! If you don’t count the fact how dark is here. I lightened my way with my phone when I finally found a door. Gratefully and fortunately, it was unlocked.
Aah, light! I was delighted to come out…

WOOU! Where am I? This place looks familiar. I looked down the corridor and saw a sign next to the stairs. It said ‘UP THE STAIRS: DECK’. I guess I’ve come all the way down to..

“MY corridor?!” I thought out loud, surprised. This ‘secret path’ is connected to the corridor where our room is! It didn’t make sense… I looked around the walls and told myself Think Tre, think!

Shit... I'm not usually good at these stuff. I looked around and thought...

And thought...

And looked at a picture...

And suddenly, I got it. You could hear a click coming from my brains. “It’s the walls!” I shouted.

Some door opened and revealed Billie’s worried face. “Tre?”

“Billie! Thank God you’re here! I understand it all! It makes sense perfectly! It's the walls!”

“Uhm, Tre…” he looked at me, worried. “What walls? Please don’t tell me you are even more crazy than before.”

“Nope,” I proudly smiled. “I’m now smarter than before.”


“Just let me explain! I know what happened to Mike.”